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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 1361 - 1380 of 1689
Detroit Broke City
(Peter Schiff) posted 08/02/2013
... of corrupt and incompetent governments funded by corrupt, incompetent unions. Both camps have essentially no understanding of how their city was built and how the promise ...

Libby: "Fall Guy" For The Real Criminals
(Infowars) posted 03/07/2007
... and retire at any moment, no doubt going on to live out his days profiting from his Halliburton war fund and shooting old men in the face for fun. At ...

Culling the herd
(Sheila Samples) posted 12/20/2007
... food, water and air, and turned the entire region into massive radioactive death camps. Without fear of accountability, they have ensured the slow, agonizing exterminatio ...

Guiding Society Through Art and Science
(Knowledge Driven Revolution) posted 06/12/2008
... on scientific technique please read this article entitled: Scientific Technique and the Concentration of Power. Conclusion The final article in this series outl ...

Mark Oaten, Rent Boys and the Secret Police: A View of How England Is Governed at the End of Its History
(Sean Gabb) posted 01/24/2006
... from the leadership contest. The lack of coverage of the burglary, together with concentration on its probable effect, suggested some involvement by the secret police. Bu ...

Blood Meridian: Bush's High Crimes of Torture and War
(Atlantic Free Press) posted 01/12/2007
... The first is the five-year anniversary of the opening of the notorious prison camps run by the US at the Guantánamo naval air station in Cuba. In the five years since the ...

Decadence, waste, corruption in the new American Empire [Part II]
(Rodrigue Tremblay) posted 03/12/2007
... of Dick Cheney, a member of the American Enterprise Institute and a former CEO of Halliburton Energy Services, who, in 2001, chose himself to be George W. Bush’s vice pre ...

Romano Prodi: Olmert’s Wind-Up Cathy Chatty
(Kurt Nimmo) posted 12/15/2006
... will remain codified, and Palestinians will continue living in squalid refugee camps, driven there by massacre, rape, and the memories of Dawayima (where the Israelis kil ...

Putting Big Brother in the Driver's Seat: V2V Transmitters, Black Boxes & Drones
(John W. Whitehead) posted 02/12/2014
... a welfare state, a nanny state, a police state, a surveillance state, an electronic concentration camp—call it what you will, the meaning is the same: in our quest for le ...

A Government Devoid of Truth and Decency
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 02/19/2008
... The freedom and independence of the watchdog press was destroyed by the media concentration that was permitted by the Clinton administration and Congress ...

Edible Vaccines and Flying Syringes
(Old-Thinker News) posted 06/01/2009
... Oh boy that was really something when this came out of my fax machine. Report on HCG concentration in vaccine vials. Three out of those four vials registered posit ...

Jackboot Society: Pure Tyranny on the Streets of America - Latest bill of rights evisceration: Ohio Patriot Act arrests for not showing ID
(Prison Planet) posted 12/23/2005
... passed. Not even Communist China or Stalinist North Korea put people in labor camps for writing a hot check but this was actually debated in the 'land of the free'. ...

Corporate Media Uses Fuzzy Math to Minimize Size of Lebanese Demonstrations
(Kurt Nimmo) posted 12/05/2006
... in addition to bad feeling between Christians who support leaders allied to the rival camps.” Obviously, this would be a preferable situation for the Israelis and ...

Obama Declares War On 'Extremism' – Are You An 'Extremist' According To His Definition?
(The Economic Collapse) posted 01/12/2015
Do you know what an “extremist” is?  In the wake of the horrible terror attacks on the offices of Charlie Hebdo in France, Barack Obama is speaking very boldly about the need ...

Antifa Armed With AR-15 'Released Manifesto' Before Firebombing Federal Building - Media Yawns
(InformationLiberation) posted 07/14/2019
... him on Saturday to firebomb an ICE facility in Tacoma, Washington he believed was a 'concentration camp.' The attack was celebrated by many on the left and Spronse ...

The Sovereign Individual
(Helio Beltrão) posted 04/21/2010
... to fulfill their desires. This week, in Porto Alegre, there is a great concentration of intellectual heirs of Ludwig von Mises. We, from Instituto Mises B ...

Military Industrial Complex 2.0
(TomDispatch) posted 09/21/2008
... the invasion and occupation of Iraq: first as Kellogg Brown and Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton (for which Dick Cheney was once CEO), and then as KBR, an independent co ...

Innocent victims caught up in a war of endless revenge
(The Independent) posted 05/25/2007
... no longer have the memory of being so exact.' No wonder that in all the Palestinian camps of Lebanon yesterday, they were protesting the 'massacre' at Nahr el-Bared ...

Pirates of the Mediterranean
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 07/02/2009
... towed to Israel’s Port of Ashdod. Gaza has been described as the “world’s largest concentration camp.” It is home to 1.5 million Palestinians who were driven by forc ...

The Shame of Being an American
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 07/22/2006
... invasion the great moral Jewish state arranged for the murder of refugees in refugee camps. The result of Israel's atrocities was Hezbollah, which fought the Israeli Army ...

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