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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 1341 - 1360 of 1689
Agent Orange cancer findings won't get in report, Air Force says: Study's chairman raises questions about decision to leave data out
(Greenville Online) posted 09/12/2006
... to 1971 to destroy enemy crops and hiding places and to clear areas for American base camps. The majority of it was Agent Orange, which contained cancer-causing dioxin. ...

Republican Rep. Thomas Massie Says He Won't Attend Netanyahu's "War Rally," Tells Off AIPAC
(InformationLiberation) posted 07/24/2024
... playing at school, deliberately starved to death, and Palestinians are bombed in refugee camps and discovered in mass graves, naked and with their hands tied, all live-st ...

Public School "Child Nutrition Supervisor" Served Students Reeking, Six-Year-Old Pork
(Nutritional Anarchy) posted 04/30/2015
... health, and unnecessary early deaths.' Public schools are government indoctrination camps; that much has come out on record. But most would not think the indoctrinat ...

How a Remote Alaskan Indian Tribe Got One of the Most Lucrative Post-911 Security Contracts, But Not a Single Job
( posted 03/23/2006
... largesse to corporations doing business in Iraq and Afghanistan, such as Bechtel and Halliburton. Over the past two years, about 30 percent of the Department of Home ...

UK government sources confirm war with Iran is on
(Online Journal) posted 07/24/2006
... a Reichstag fire decree that will involve massive detentions in this country, detention camps for Middle-Easterners and their quote 'sympathizers', critics of the preside ...

They Thought They Were Free The Germans, 1933-45 by Milton Mayer, an excerpt
(The University of Chicago Press) posted 05/28/2007
... for a very long term, thus saving him from Party ‘processing’ which would have meant concentration camp or, more probably, deportation and death. But the man was innocent ...

Everybody's a Target in the American Surveillance State
(John W. Whitehead) posted 03/28/2012
... to be fully operational by September 2013), the last link in the chain of the electronic concentration camp that surrounds us will be complete, and privacy, as we have kn ...

Bleak House: How America was Conquered by Hell's Bottom
(Chris Floyd) posted 05/26/2006
... power of nuclear weapons. Opened in January 1943 as a supposedly temporary, wartime concentration of military bureaucracies, the Pentagon quickly became the locus of ...

Cannibalism and Calculation in North Korea
(James E. Miller) posted 02/04/2013
... According to Mail Online, cannibalism is also occurring within the country's prison camps. To outside observers, these reports are indeed horrid. Under a totalitaria ...

To Torture or Not To Torture?
(The Rutherford Institute) posted 02/14/2006
... warrant officer was recently found guilty of a similar act. In forced labor camps in China, victims have been tortured through a specially designed “death bed.” Cons ...

Pre-crime and proactive policing: Police Checkpoints, stop and search, curfews and ASBO's becoming the norm
(Infowars) posted 01/19/2006
... principles that I object to, or the implied political correctness. It is the voguish concentration on the weapons, as opposed to the criminals. - commented the reporter, ...

Mystery Surfaces Over Apartment of Kofi Annan
(New York Sun) posted 12/27/2006
... source of Roosevelt Island's Mitchell-Lama mysteries. The enclave is known for its heavy concentration of U.N. staff, many of whom receive U.N. housing allowances on top ...

Blackwill's Black Heart: Conman Pulls Sales Tricks to Market Torture: When Saddam, Kim and Mugabe do it it's bad, when we do it it's to protect the American people
(Prison Planet) posted 12/14/2005
... When Kim Jong-il orders political dissidents to be force fed chemical weapons and concentration camp guards stamp on newborn babies' necks that's horrible. When ...

NAIS: A new threat to rural and personal freedom?
(The Prairie Star) posted 12/27/2006
... program and most small livestock producers were forced out of business. This concentration of livestock production to just a few large operations will be a delight t ...

How Clarke is fiddling the £30 'affordable' ID card
(The Register) posted 10/18/2005
... from overall scheme cost, we can be confident it won't shift significantly. This concentration on the standalone card price as a distraction from scheme cost is dealt wit ...

Global Warming gets the Cold Freeze
(William Engdahl) posted 04/09/2008
... de facto President in terms of decision-making—Dick Cheney. Cheney was former CEO of Halliburton Corp., which is both the world’s largest oilfield services company (now b ...

It's Time to End the "Last Taboo"
(Stephen Lendman) posted 07/05/2006
... also destroyed the main pipe providing water for the Nusairat and al-Boreij refugee camps and knocked out the Strip's only electricity generation plant cutting off power ...

Apocalyptic, Bigger than 7/7, Worse than 9/11, Piece by piece, the plot unravels
(The Independent) posted 08/13/2006
... are understood to have exposed links between British-born Muslims and terror training camps in Pakistan, as well as to explosives and firearms use. At least one known rad ...

An America I remember
(Jerry Mazza) posted 03/03/2006
... brother Vincent. Those newsreels also brought us our first glimpses of Nazi death camps, of the living dead standing behind barbed wire fences, of hills of emaciated ...

Senator Hillary Clinton is all show and no substance
(Sibel Edmonds, William Weaver) posted 08/29/2006
... Greenhouse exposed extraordinary graft and impropriety in government contracting with Halliburton, when Sergeant Samuel Provance reported prisoner abuse and torture at Ab ...

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