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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 1281 - 1300 of 1689
Conflict in the Middle East is Mission Implausible
(The Independent) posted 11/16/2006
... They should. Which is why they are using concrete stockades to surround their camps - Baghdad-style - from the bombers. Al-Qa'ida has already threatened ...

Hookergate II: The Senator and the Veep
(Dr. Susan Block) posted 07/13/2007
... Vice (as in 'criminal') President may patronize prostitutes. When he was CEO of Halliburton he maintained a residence off Chain Bridge Road in the Ballantrae ...

(Infowars) posted 02/17/2006
... When she made it to grandma's house it was Gone. Grandma had been hauled off to a Halliburton camp, and her property seized by eminent domain: IE: there was a toll b ...

Many Contracts for Storm Work Raise Questions
(NY Times) posted 09/26/2005
... of two major contractors - the Shaw Group and Kellogg, Brown & Root, a subsidiary of Halliburton - that have been represented by the lobbyist Joe M. Allbaugh, President B ...

Planned US Israeli Attack on Iran: Will there be a War against Iran?
(Michel Chossudovsky) posted 05/14/2008
... At the same time, Cheney is part of a powerful corporate apparatus, through his links to Halliburton and the role Halliburton has played in defining a profit-driven milit ...

Slobodan Milosevic, RIP: The Saddam of the Balkans makes his escape into history
(Justin Raimondo) posted 03/16/2006
... 16,000 – and are calling for a timetable to get them out? Today they scream about how Halliburton is the number-one war profiteer, but none of them said a word when that ...

Kicked out of Gitmo: A Times reporter's struggle to get the truth about America's island prison just got tougher.
(Los Angeles Times) posted 06/19/2006
... strategy for interrogating officials during a rare 'inside the wire' tour of the prison camps last month. What little we learn often comes to light by accident, thro ...

Soros: 'Xenophobic' EU Countries Must Take On Massive Debt To Pay For Refugees
(InformationLiberation) posted 02/18/2016
... measures, like erecting fences and walls and concentrating refugees into camps, which in turn breeds frustration and desperation among the refugees. If the global communi ...

'You're Either a Cop or Little People': The American Police State in 2014
(The Rutherford Institute) posted 12/31/2014
... and track our whereabouts. Even our cities have become wall-to-wall electronic concentration camps, with police now able to record hi-def video of everything that takes p ...

Tehran insider tells of US black ops
(Asia Times) posted 04/26/2006
... in unrest in Kurdistan, Khuzestan and Balochistan, three of Iran's provinces with a high concentration of ethnic Kurdish, Arab and Balochi minorities respectively. With t ...

Bitcoin: Segway, Cigarette, or Gold Doubloon?
(Douglas French) posted 12/04/2013
... places for specific periods of time — for instance, cigarettes in prisoner-of-war camps. Cigarettes continue to be a currency in prisons if allowed, but if not, according ...

Loaded Language and Loaded Guns
(Charles Sullivan) posted 10/05/2007
... The public school system was virtually dismantled and privatized. Contractors such as Halliburton and Blackwater reaped enormous profits on the misery and suffering of th ...

The Awlaki Sanction: Who's Next on the List?
(William Norman Grigg) posted 10/04/2011
... 13 members of the MEK received training (most likely under Soviet supervision) at PLO camps in Jordan and Lebanon. Upon their return, the PLO-trained MEK cadres share ...

Cruelty and xenophobia shame and stir the lucky country
(John Pilger) posted 01/21/2007
... direct action by young people who forced the closure of notorious outback detention camps for illegal refugees, with their isolation cells, capsicum spray and beatings. A ...

Anti-Iranian Hysteria
(Eric Margolis) posted 04/21/2006
... and Central Asia, the arrival of additional US aircraft carriers in the Arabian Sea, concentration of US Navy minesweepers and shallow-water vessels around the Strait of ...

Is the "Terrorist Threat" Another Bush-Cheney Fabrication
(Sherwood Ross) posted 09/17/2007
In the most massive racial profiling since Japanese-Americans were herded into detention camps in World War II, the Bush administration after 9/11 required 80,000 Arab and Mus ...

The 10 Most Brazen War Profiteers
(AlterNet) posted 09/05/2006
... contractors. Who they are is anyone's guess (one case was recently settled against Halliburton subcontractor EGL for $4 million), since cases filed under the False Claims ...

Great Moments in the History of Imperialism
(William Blum) posted 06/22/2006
... The orders of the day have been privatization, deregulation, and laissez faire for Halliburton and other Western corporations. Iraqi businesses have been almost entirely ...

The Najaf Massacre, an Annotated Fable
(Conn Hallinan) posted 02/11/2007
... The Bush administration allegations that Iran has set up insurgent training camps and built anti-personnel bombs that have killed and maimed U.S. soldier ...

What If Paul Revere's Horse Broke A Leg?
(Frosty Wooldridge) posted 04/07/2006
... He wouldn’t have warned the troops and Americans would have been slaughtered in their camps! America may not have been born. Three months ago, I announced the “21s ...

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