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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 121 - 140 of 1689
Neocon Lapdogs: "Round Up Traitors And Put Them In Camps"
(Infowars) posted 12/21/2006
... is being readied for execution following the announcement on January 24th that Halliburton subsidiary KBR (formerly Brown and Root) had been awarded a $385 mi ...

Failure of pipeline in northern Iraq a monument to failures of reconstruction
(Raw Story) posted 04/25/2006
A no-bid Halliburton project in Iraq could cause nightmares for President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney after the failed project receives front page treatment in Tuesday ...

Flirting With Fascism on CNN Headline News
(FAIR) posted 12/06/2006
... prevent this if they act now.When Beck is talking about 'razor wire,' he's talking about concentration camps—in the original sense of the word, places where masses of peo ...

Iranian advisor: We'll strike Dimona in response to U.S. attack
(Haaretz) posted 02/25/2006
... as the port city of Haifa and the Zakhariya area. Haifa is also home to a large concentration of chemical factories and oil refineries. If the United States la ...

George Conway: 'Key Political Question' For U.S. Going Forward Is How to 'Deprogram' 75M Trump Voters
(InformationLiberation) posted 11/18/2020
... about the extent of their involvement in Nazism. Ex-Nazis were taken on tours of concentration camps or made to watch video clips of Jewish prisoners.The equivalent ...

Bush Signs Bill That Didn't Pass Congress: Wilfully violates Constitution and places himself above the law again
(Prison Planet) posted 03/18/2006
... be enacted before Bush starts rounding up his political enemies and shipping them off to Halliburton run internment camps. ...

Schoolchildren could be given 'smart drugs' in a bid to boost brainpower
(The Daily Mail) posted 09/21/2008
... give all pupils the same chance to take a new generation of pills which boost attention, concentration and memory. Researchers predict that within a generation, cogn ...

Iraq unrest forces 65,000 to flee
(BBC) posted 04/14/2006
... that this is what would happen to any other Sunni who came to the area. Makeshift camps The Iraqi Ministry for Displacement and Migration told the BBC almost 11 ...

CNN Commentator Sally Kohn: Trump Will Institute Internment Camps and Suspend Habeas Corpus
(Infowars) posted 03/07/2016
A CNN commentator claimed Saturday that Donald Trump will put people in camps and do away with the writ of habeas corpus if he is elected President. Daily Beast columnist ...

Poll: Immigration Number One Issue For Voters, Racism/Equality Is Dead Last
(InformationLiberation) posted 06/21/2018
... with ridiculously over-the-top hysterics claiming immigrant detainment centers are 'concentration camps' and ICE agents are Nazis. A recent poll in Europe foun ...

Yes, The Re-Education Camp Manual Does Apply Domestically to U.S. Citizens
(Prison Planet) posted 05/07/2012
A shocking U.S. Army manual that describes how political activists in prison camps will be indoctrinated by specially assigned psychological operations officers contains numer ...

Our Long National Nightmare Has Just Begun
(Ted Rall) posted 11/10/2006
... HomeSec awarded a $385 million contract to Kellogg, Brown and Root, the subsidiary of Halliburton Co., to build 'temporary detention and processing capabilities'--internm ...

Senior Democrat says decision to demote Halliburton worker will chill whistleblowing
(Raw Story) posted 08/29/2005
The top U.S. Army contracting official who first raised criticism over Halliburton's no-bid contract in Iraq was demoted Sunday for what the army called poor job performance - ...

One Thousand A Month Tortured To Death In Iraq
(Prison Planet) posted 02/21/2006
... estimates in stating that 80 to 90 per cent of those rounded up and taken to prison camps were completely innocent. As we have highlighted before, Iraqis are arrested for ...

Painting Hezbollah with Osama’s Black Op Brush
(Kurt Nimmo) posted 07/23/2006
... a book about scrubbing the stigma off the idea Arabs should be thrown in concentration camps. Maybe she is writing a sequel. Meanwhile, Douglas Farah, former corresp ...

Man Who Lied About 'Surviving the Holocaust' Says He Did It to 'Keep Memories Alive'
(InformationLiberation) posted 06/27/2016
... to Belgrade. But he also told people that he was arrested by the Nazis, sent to the concentration camp at Auschwitz, and met Mengele, the SS physician who tortured prison ...

Exclusive: CIA Torture flight takes off from UK
(London Mirror) posted 02/08/2006
... C-32B - one of a fleet allegedly used to transport terror suspects to interrogation camps -had spent two hours refuelling after arriving from the Middle East. US mil ...

Jack Abramoff and The Worst Movie You Never Saw
( posted 06/08/2006
... circus clown Helmut Doork, who befriends and entertains the child prisoners of a Nazi concentration camp and ultimately leads them, pied-piper like, into the ovens. It's ...

Reports claim terrorist suspects working for UK police
(Belfast Telegraph) posted 07/08/2007
... civilian staff. The newspaper says that some may even have visited terror training camps in Afghanistan or Pakistan. ...

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