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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 1121 - 1140 of 1689
The American Police State: End Game for 9/11 and Bush's Subsequent Power Grabs
(OpEdNews) posted 10/24/2006
... and consent to militarization of the United States for security. Homeland Security gave Halliburton a $385 million dollar contract to construct detention facilities arou ...

The true cost of war
(The Guardian) posted 03/27/2008
... insistence on 'sole-source bidding' - awarding vast, multi-year contracts to Halliburton, for example, instead of putting them out to tender. 'An academic might say, 'How ...

FEMA, La. outsource Katrina body count to firm implicated in body-dumping scandals
(Raw Story) posted 09/14/2005
... head of FEMA after Bush became President, but left to become a lobbyist representing Halliburton, among other corporate clients). According to Newsweek, Bush stopped ...

University Drops Math Requirement, Considers New "Diversity" Requirement
(InformationLiberation) posted 06/14/2016
... without trial, or shot in the back of the neck or sent to die of scurvy in Arctic lumber camps: this is called elimination of unreliable elements. Such phraseology is nee ...

Google is watching you
(Kenticky Herald) posted 11/15/2005
... office productivity software. (No wonder Microsoft is worried.) But consider the concentration of information about us that resides with the search companies, or tha ...

Americans Have Lost Their Country
(Paul Craig Roberts) posted 03/01/2007
... of this absurd accusation – a pure invention – Bush has ordered a heavy concentration of aircraft carrier attack forces off Iran’s coast, and he has ...

From republic to tyranny
(Andrew Bosworth, Ph.D.) posted 02/07/2006
... and hanged. (So now the regular Army has to avenge the killing of mercenaries.) Halliburton is perhaps the largest pig at the trough. It fills a niche formerly occup ...

Matt Drudge rules their world...and spreads a Big Lie on Iraq
(Will Bunch) posted 03/15/2007
... crackdown, compared to a month before. Two of the 17 soldiers died at US Baghdad camps of non-combat causes. The remarkable decrease in killings among the US tr ...

Strike Iran? US can't be serious
(Linda S. Heard) posted 04/13/2006
... but nothing is allowed to thwart. For their part, Muslim countries are divided into camps, while some are afflicted by sectarian divisions, which, frankly is just ho ...

They Live, We Sleep: A Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy
(The Rutherford Institute) posted 08/06/2015
... by government agents, placed under police control, and placed in detention (a.k.a. concentration) camps. For the final hammer of fascism to fall, it will require the ...

The Police State Is Doomed
(Gary North) posted 10/30/2010
... Think 'China.' Think 'Russia.' Then think back to Mao and Stalin. If those two concentration camps could collapse without armed resistance or a lost war, don't tell me ...

"Sedition" Purges -- Past, Present, and Future
(William Norman Grigg) posted 04/12/2010
... outrage over the Alien and Sedition Acts. 'Hang him, shoot him or lock him up in a concentration camp.' To people not tutored in the nuances of Progressive dog ...

Bringing Up Hitler
(Jacob G. Hornberger) posted 01/20/2011
... didn’t need legislative approval to suspend civil liberties, establish overseas prison camps, suspend habeas corpus, torture people, and deny people fundamental rights an ...

Pentagon Issues Gitmo 'Top Ten Fun Facts List' (seriously)
(ePluribus Media) posted 09/17/2006
... like all of the other facts about Guantanamo, torture, rendition, secret CIA prison camps and well, pretty much everything else that these liars and war criminals have do ...

The Pentagon's New Spies
(Rolling Stone) posted 04/21/2006
... staged peaceful demonstrations against military bases and defense contractors such as Halliburton. Traditionally restricted to action overseas, America's armed forces -- ...

Usurpation of Power: The 2007 Defense Authorization Act and the "Reform" of the Insurrection Act of 1807
(Col. Daniel Smith) posted 11/22/2006
... the generally unheralded Department of Homeland Security contract awarded to KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary. The five-year, $385 million 'Indefinite delivery/Indefinite qu ...

Another Staged Charade From The War Criminals: Bush/Blair press conference feigns Iraqi support for Globalist occupation forces
(Prison Planet) posted 05/26/2006
... their homes without chipped ID cards, engaged in untold massacres, set up torture camps, took control of all free media and imprisoned anyone who protested their presenc ...

The Wolf Is Guarding the Hen House: The Government's War on Cyberterrorism
(John W. Whitehead) posted 03/18/2015
... W. Bush and expanding exponentially under Barack Obama) continue to erect an electronic concentration camp the likes of which have never been seen before. A good ca ...

Liquid Bombing the Constitution
(Kurt Nimmo) posted 08/14/2006
... during the Civil War and the same by FDR during the Second World War, resulting in the concentration camp internment of thousands of Japanese Americans. In the comi ...

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