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Search produced 1689 results. Viewing 1101 - 1120 of 1689
Is geoengineering humanity's last hope to avoid catastrophic global warming?
(Scientific American) posted 09/02/2009
... a year spent examining various ideas, the Society panel split geoengineering into two camps--dubbed Carbon Dioxide Removal and Solar Radiation Management--and opted prima ...

Senators Mull an Internet With Restrictions
(The Nation) posted 02/09/2006
... with telecommunications and cable lobbyists. The experts largely fell into two camps. Representatives of major telephone and cable companies and conservative academi ...

Ahmadinejad's letter to Americans
(CNN) posted 11/30/2006
... out of their homes. Many of these refugees have died in the Diaspora and in refugee camps. Their children have spent their youth in these camps and are aging while still ...

The Orwellian Ideology of 24
(Mises Institute) posted 02/06/2007
... that the issues are presented in abstract or 'macro' terms: there is talk of internment camps and conjecture on how great a price must be paid in order to ensure liberty, ...

Obama's orders leave framework of torture, indefinite detention intact
(World Socialist Web Site) posted 01/23/2009
... ship alleged terrorists caught up its international dragnet to other American-run prison camps. On the question of so-called 'harsh interrogation techniques,' i.e., ...

Feds Charge Man As Enemy Combatant Supporting Terrorism For Uploading Youtube Video
(Alexander Higgins Blog) posted 09/05/2011
... the terrorist group as a teenager in Pakistan and later attended one of its training camps. He came to the United States in 2007 with his family. He's been under inv ...

Nano Particles used in Untested H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines
(Global Research) posted 09/15/2009
... matrix, making a beeline to the lymph nodes. Within minutes, they’ve reached a concentration of DCs thousands of times greater than in the skin. The immune response can t ...

Prominent Conservative Leader: Government in Hands of Psychopaths
(Prison Planet) posted 11/16/2005
... of disappeared individuals, now subject to God knows what in secret ex-Soviet gulag camps all over the Eastern Bloc. And also to those subject to torture mastermind ...

Forced Medicine: The Philosophy Behind Fluoridation
(Global Research TV) posted 03/24/2013
... against humanity no less egregioius than the human experimentation in the Nazi death camps that the civilized world has long since shunned. Fluoridation, in short, i ...

Israelis Fear Spread Of War Crimes Cases
(The Jewish Week) posted 06/10/2006
... this law, 23 survivors of the 1982 massacre in the Lebanese Sabra and Shatila refugee camps filed a complaint in 2001 accusing Israel’s then-Prime Minister Ariel Sharon a ...

Never a Texas Two-Step
(Time Magazine) posted 01/10/2006
... that is only sure to grow with former lobbyist Jack Abramoff's guilty plea. Both camps describe the two conservative Texan's relationship as professional—an alliance, not ...

'I Want to Quit Life': Enjoy This Delicious Sampling of Anti-Trump Hollywood Tears
(InformationLiberation) posted 11/09/2016
... November 9, 2016 'The next wave of fascism will come not with cattle cars and camps. It will come with a friendly face.' – Bertram Gross, 'Friendly Fascism' ...

Studies Find DNA Damage From Anti-Coca Herbicide
(Tierramérica) posted 06/20/2007
... caused the extensive DNA damage observed, Paz y Miño told Tierramérica. The concentration levels of Roundup were measured at more than 20 times the maximum recom ...

After Denouncing De Niro's Screed, Rob Reiner Likens Trump to Hitler, Supporters Are 'Hardcore Racists'
(InformationLiberation) posted 06/25/2018
... Donald Trump and his 'hardcore racist' supporters. Michele Reiner invoked Nazi death camps as she called Trump 'evil' and likened him to Adolf Hitler. Rob Reiner rep ...

Crusade of Surge and Siege: Part One of Four
(Manuel Valenzuela) posted 02/19/2008
... an excursion into the vast hinterlands of the Empire's prison system, a network of concentration camps holding over two million human beings, most imprisoned for petty dr ...

If Edward Snowden Is a Criminal, Why Aren't the Rest of Us Criminals As Well?
(John W. Whitehead) posted 06/12/2013
... to act.” For his “crime” against the Fuhrer, Bonhoeffer was put to death at Flossenburg Concentration Camp. Examples of “lawbreakers” who ...

Resistance Activists Label Mexican-Jewish Woman A 'White Supremacist' Over Hand Stretch
(InformationLiberation) posted 09/05/2018
... and they literally ripped children from their families and put them in internment camps. Stephen Miller is jewish, and his own uncle denounced him. Her race is irrelevant ...

The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act: Protecting researchers or chilling free speech?
(Wisconsin State Journal) posted 12/01/2006
... in other parts of the country. They called him Josef Mengele, after the ruthless Nazi concentration camp doctor. 'They like to instill a fear factor when they can,' ...

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