'Say I Apologize to The Black Queen!' Black Panther Group Filmed Terrorizing Small Businesses in VA
InformationLiberationSep 15
A Black nationalist group has filmed themselves terrorizing small businesses in Portsmouth, Virginia over the past several weeks -- seemingly without any repercussions.
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VIDEO: Leftist Rioter Jumps On Cop Car, Gets Thrown Off After Cop Slams The Gas
InformationLiberationSep 15
An anti-Trump rioter blocking traffic along with a mob of Black Lives Matter supporters on Monday in Sacramento was filmed jumping on top of a cop car only to get thrown off when the officer slammed on the gas.
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'F*** Trump!' Thug Filmed Destroying Woman's Trump Stand While Shouting Racial Slurs
InformationLiberationSep 14
Viral video shared Sunday on social media shows an African-American teenager destroying a White woman's Trump stand while shouting racial slurs at her and screaming, "F*** Trump!"
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BLM Riot And Loot in Lancaster After Man Shot While Charging Cop With A Knife; Had Prior Charges For Stabbing 4 Others
InformationLiberationSep 14
Black Lives Matter mobs rioted and looted in Lancaster, Pennsylvania on Sunday night after a non-white suspect was shot and killed while charging a police officer with a knife.
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'We Hope They Die!' Protesters Gather Outside Hospital Treating 2 California Deputies Shot in Ambush
InformationLiberationSep 13
Two Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies were shot repeatedly at point-blank range in an ambush on Saturday and Black Power protesters responded by gathering outside the hospital where they were being treated to shout "we hope they die" and threaten officers that "you're next."
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George Floyd Swallowed Drugs During May 2019 Arrest: Court Filing
InformationLiberationSep 11
George Floyd swallowed drugs during a prior arrest on May 6, 2019 according to a new court filing that has been completely ignored by the media for two weeks.
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NFL Fans Boo Woke Political Opener to Chiefs-Texans Game
InformationLiberationSep 10
Sports fans are sick and tired of woke political bulls**t being shoved down their throats by privileged millionaire sportsball players and their billionaire team owners.
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Mattis Told Intel Chief They May 'Have to Take Collective Action' Against 'Unfit' Trump: Woodward
InformationLiberationSep 10
Former defense secretary Jim Mattis appears to have been plotting a coup with then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats after growing furious with President Trump for banning transgenders from the military and moving to pull out of Afghanistan and Syria.
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Independent Journalist 'Beaten Bloody by Antifa' in Portland, Media Yawns
InformationLiberationSep 10
Independent journalist Tayler Hansen was reportedly "beaten bloody" by four black bloc antifa militants on Tuesday night in Portland and the media couldn't care less.
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"You Really Drank The Kool-Aid, Didn't You?" Trump Mocks Woodward Question On "White Privilege"
InformationLiberationSep 10
President Donald Trump hilariously mocked Bob Woodward after he spent 45 seconds trying to set the commander-in-chief up to apologize for his "white privilege."
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'Legendary': Seattle Cop Trolls Hysterical Leftist After Arresting BLM Leader For 'Spitting On Cop'
InformationLiberationSep 09
Seattle Black Lives Matter protest organizer Tatyana Paris Swan, aka "Tatii Swan," was arrested on Monday night on three counts of assault after throwing a temper tantrum and allegedly attacking a cop and spitting on him while calling him a "piece of s**t."
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White Female BLM Protester to Cops: "If You Take That Badge Off, I'll Suck Your D**k"
InformationLiberationSep 09
A vile White female Black Lives Matter protester in Los Angeles on Tuesday night was filmed telling police officers she'll fellate them if they take their badges off and quit their jobs.
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Public Support For Sports Implodes As Leagues Embrace Black Lives Matter, Polls Find
InformationLiberationSep 08
Americans have gone from viewing the sports industry positively, on balance, to negatively in the wake of sports leagues embracing the divisive Black Lives Matter movement, a new survey found.
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Rabid Leftists Arrested For Stealing MAGA Hat From Child Have Charges Upgraded to Hate Crimes
InformationLiberationSep 09
Two rabid leftist women filmed stealing a MAGA hat from a child outside the Democratic National Convention in Wilmington last month have had their charges "upgraded" to hate crimes.
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VIDEO: Protester 'Struck' by Car During Riots in Rochester
InformationLiberationSep 09
A "protester" blocking a street during the riots in Rochester, New York on Friday was seen getting "struck" by a car -- if you can even call it that.
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Rochester Police Chief, Entire Command Staff Retire After Mayor Enlists 'Elders' to Serve As Human Shields Against Them
InformationLiberationSep 08
Rochester Police Chief La'Ron Singletary and his entire command staff announced their sudden retirements on Tuesday, just two days after Mayor Lovely Warren announced a plan to enlist "elders" to serve as human shields for "protesters" who rioted for days, attacked police, attacked diners at restaurants and set fire to a black-owned business.
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WHEC Gets Around to Covering "Peaceful" Protesters' Attack On Their Reporter
InformationLiberationSep 07
WHEC on Monday night responded to my report detailing how reporter Charles Molineaux and his security guard were attacked and chased by a knife-wielding Black Lives Matter mob during so-called "peaceful protests" on Sunday night in Rochester, New York.
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WHEC Reporter Chased By Knife-Wielding BLM Mob -- Station Ignores Attack And Describes 'Protests' As 'Peaceful'
InformationLiberationSep 07
WHEC reporter Charles Molineaux was attacked and chased by a knife-wielding Black Lives Matter mob during "protests" on Sunday night in Rochester and yet his own news station ignored the incident and described the night's "protests" as "peaceful" on their front page.
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Rochester Mayor Enlists Church Elders To Serve As Human Shields For Black Lives Matter 'Protesters'
InformationLiberationSep 07
Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren apparently saw the videos of Black Lives Matter mobs attacking diners at a local restaurant on Friday and rioting in the streets and figured the proper response is to give the rioters human shields to protect them from police.
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"We're Shutting Your Party Down!" BLM Mob Attack Diners, Shove Food & Drinks Off Tables in Rochester
InformationLiberationSep 07
Black Lives Matter riots are ramping up in Rochester, New York and the mob has white diners in their targets.
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'F**k White People!' BLM Mob Scream At Elderly Diners, Steal Their Drink & Attack White Man in Pittsburgh
InformationLiberationSep 07
Black Lives Matter rioters on Sunday were filmed screaming "f**k white people" and "f**k the police" at an elderly white couple dining outside at a restaurant in Pittsburgh and then assaulting a white man in the street.
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Feds Entrap Two 'Boogaloo Bois' In World's Dumbest Plot to 'Arm Hamas,' Topple Statues, Attack White Supremacists, Politicians & Police
InformationLiberationSep 07
The FBI and the DOJ entrapped two low-IQ "Boogaloo Bois" in a cockamamie scheme to send arms to what they were told was Hamas, attack monuments and attack white supremacists, politicians, police and the media.
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Portland: Antifa Throw Molotov At Police, Set Their Comrades On Fire Instead
InformationLiberationSep 07
Life comes at you fast!
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Pres. Trump Tweetstorm Bashes 'Anti-White' Critical Race Theory: 'This Is A Sickness That Cannot Be Allowed to Continue'
InformationLiberationSep 05
President Donald Trump on Saturday went on a tweetstorm bashing critical race theory and "white privilege" brainwashing as "a sickness than cannot be allowed to continue" and shared a tweet from The Columbia Bugle explicitly calling it out as "Anti-White."
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Trump Admin Bans 'Critical Race Theory,' 'White Privilege' Brainwashing Sessions For Govt Agencies
InformationLiberationSep 04
President Trump is ordering the end of "taxpayer funded indoctrination trainings that sow division and racism" through Cultural Marxist propaganda like "white privilege" and "critical race theory."
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Antifa Who Murdered Trump Supporter Dies in 'Shootout' With U.S. Marshals Task Force
InformationLiberationSep 03
Michael Reinoehl, the Antifa terrorist who shot and killed beloved Trump supporter Aaron Danielson in Portland on Saturday night, was killed in shootout with a U.S. Marshals Task Force, according to a report.
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'This Is My S**t!' BLM Protester Slams BLM Protesters For Destroying Her 'Black-Owned' Business
InformationLiberationSep 03
Video went viral on social media Wednesday of a Black Lives Matter protester screaming at other Black Lives Matter protesters for destroying her "Black-owned" gas station.
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Feds Start Charging Portland Rioters For Crimes Against State Officers
InformationLiberationSep 02
The feds have started bringing alleged Portland rioters up on federal "civil disorder" charges for crimes against state officers who "have been cross-deputized by the federal government," Andy Ngo reported Wednesday.
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California Passes Bill to Decriminalize Men Having Sex With Boys
InformationLiberationSep 02
California's legislature has passed state Senator Scott Wiener of San Francisco's bill to decriminalize adult men having sex with boys after all opponents to the bill were smeared by the media and Wiener himself as "homophobic" and "anti-Semitic."
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Pres. Trump: "The Media Is What's Fueling" Violence Across America
InformationLiberationSep 01
President Donald Trump on Tuesday called out the press for "fueling" the violence and rioting in cities across America and blasted them for refusing to cover the "targeted" killing of Aaron "Jay" Danielson at a pro-Trump rally in Portland on Saturday night.
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