Free Speech Reddit Alternative Voat Is Shutting Down On Christmas
InformationLiberationDec 24
The free speech Reddit alternative Voat announced on Tuesday that the site is going to shut down for good on Christmas Day after being up for six years.
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President Trump Vetoes $740 Billion NDAA; McConnell Plotting to Override
InformationLiberationDec 23
President Trump made good on his threats on Wednesday and vetoed the "America Last" National Defense Authorization Act which gives $38 billion from struggling US taxpayers to Israel, blocks the president from bringing troops home from the Middle East and erases our nation's history.
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Your Search History Could Influence Your Credit Score Under New IMF Proposal
InformationLiberationDec 22
A new working paper from the International Monetary Fund proposes that banks start using "nonfinancial data" such as people's "history of online searches and purchases" to influence credit scores.
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California DOJ Police Swarm Man's Home After He 'Attempted to Register a Firearm With Them'
InformationLiberationDec 22
A Texas transplant who moved to California and attempted to lawfully register a firearm had his home searched by what appears to be eight or more officers from the California Department of Justice who came with a warrant.
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$900B COVID-19 Aid Bill Will Give Households With Illegal Aliens Up to $1,800 Checks While U.S. Citizens Get Only $600
InformationLiberationDec 21
The bipartisan $900 billion coronavirus aid bill is just one giant F-you to American taxpayers.
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Non-Binary 'Defund The Police' Activist Behind CDC's Racial Justice-Inclined Vaccine Distribution Model
InformationLiberationDec 21
Jo Walker, a self-described "nonbinary trans" "defund the police" activist who says "they" are living on "occupied" Native land, is the epidemiologist behind the CDC's vaccine distribution model which favored vaccinating younger Blacks and Hispanics over higher at-risk old Whites.
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VIDEO: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad 'Owns The Libs'
InformationLiberationDec 21
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's critique of liberalism from his latest public speech went viral Monday on social media.
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Half of U.S. States to Prioritize Blacks And Hispanics Over Whites for COVID-19 Vaccine
InformationLiberationDec 20
Is this what they call "systemic racism"?
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American Family Association Reportedly Banned From Credit Card Processor Over Religious Views
InformationLiberationDec 20
A conservative Christian group critical of homosexuality reported Tuesday that they were banned from a credit card processor over their religious views.
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Brazilian Pres. Jair Bolsonaro Warns Vaccine Makers Are Shielded From Liability
InformationLiberationDec 20
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Thursday warned that Pfizer is shielded from all liability when it comes to the side effects of their coronavirus vaccine and joked that if it makes you "turn into a crocodile" then "that's your problem."
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"It's Racist": Nieman Journalism Lab Calls For Media to Stop Covering Local Crime Stories
InformationLiberationDec 17
News outlets should "defund the crime beat" to fight racism, according to Nieman Journalism Lab, a leftist think tank which tells journos what to do.
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NYT: 2 Alaska Healthcare Workers Given Emergency Treatment After Taking Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine
InformationLiberationDec 17
After taking Pfizer's experimental mRNA coronavirus vaccine, one hospital worker in Alaska suffered from a potentially life-threatening allergic reaction and had to be pumped full of epinephrine and steroids while a second worker at the same hospital had to be taken to the ER and treated with epinephrine and other drugs.
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Black Lives Matter Raised $10.6 BILLION Since May
InformationLiberationDec 16
Donations to Black Lives Matter-related causes over the past 7 months rival Amazon's total profits for all of 2019 -- which was a record-breaking year for the online retail giant.
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MSNBC: Just Because You Get Vaccinated Does Not Mean You Should Be Traveling Or Stop Wearing A Mask
InformationLiberationDec 16
MSNBC analyst Dr Vin Gupta told Chuck Todd on Tuesday that just because you get vaccinated does not mean you should be traveling or be "liberated" from wearing a mask.
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Trust The Scam: Barr Resigns After Covering Up Epstein Case, Hiding Hunter Biden Investigation
InformationLiberationDec 15
Attorney General William Barr announced his resignation on Monday in a letter to President Trump.
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Bill Gates: Life May Not Return to 'Normal' Even 'Through 2022'; U.S. Needs 'High Vaccination Rates'
InformationLiberationDec 14
Bill Gates suggested during an interview with CNN on Sunday that life will not be allowed to return to "normal" even "through early 2022" and proclaimed that over the next 4 to 6 months "bars and restaurants in most of the country will be closed."
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Stripe Bans VDARE From Accepting Credit Cards Just Days After Making Deal With Goldman Sachs
InformationLiberationDec 13
Payment processor Stripe on Friday banned the immigration restrictionist website VDARE from accepting credit card payments.
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Gov. Northam Expands Lockdown, Mocks Christians: 'You Don't Have to Sit in The Church Pew for God to Hear Your Prayers'
InformationLiberationDec 10
Virginia's Democrat Governor Ralph Northam on Thursday announced a host of new restrictive lockdown measures and mocked Christians for wanting to go to church to worship God.
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YouTube's New Rules Now Ban The Majority Of Americans From Expressing Their Political Views
InformationLiberationDec 10
YouTube under CEO Susan Wojcicki announced Wednesday they're going to ban all content "alleging widespread fraud or errors" changed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.
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Ben Shapiro: 'Get The Vaccine, Dopes'
InformationLiberationDec 08
Neoconservative commentator Ben Shapiro wants us "dopes" to shut up and take Pfizer's experimental mRNA corona vaccine.
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The Daily Caller Runs Koch-Funded Propaganda Hailing Big Tech As 'Champions Of Free Speech'
InformationLiberationDec 08
The Daily Caller on Tuesday published a propaganda piece from a Koch-funded contributor painting social media censorship as a myth and hailing Big Tech and Mark Zuckerberg specifically as "champion[s] of free speech."
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'National Security Disaster': House Unanimously Passes TPS Amnesty For Hong Kong Residents, Expands Definition Of 'Refugee'
InformationLiberationDec 08
Republicans and Democrats in the House united unanimously to screw over the American people on Monday by passing a bill to give "Temporary Protected Status" (see: long-term amnesty) to Hong Kong residents and redefine "refugee" to mean anyone with "concern" about the "possibility" of political persecution.
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Lockdown Lunacy: Nursing Home Staff Stop Daughter From Visiting With Her 97yo Mom Through Glass Window
InformationLiberationDec 07
Video out of the UK shows a distraught daughter visiting her 97-year-old mother through a glass window and having her concerns about her mom's deteriorating health blown off by nursing home staffers who shut the blinds on her and wheel her mother away.
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Snopes: Fmr Pfizer VP Did Not Say CV Vaccine Causes 'Female Sterilization,' Only That It's 'Possible'
InformationLiberationDec 07
This is one hell of a fact check.
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California Sheriff Defies Gov Newsom, Says He Won't Enforce Lockdown Orders; Second Sheriff Follows Suit
InformationLiberationDec 06
Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco publicly announced on Friday that his department will not be "blackmailed, bullied or used as muscle" by Governor Gavin Newsom, who he said is "extremely hypocritical" for exempting himself, his family and his business from the lockdown orders he has imposed on everyone else.
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Media Preparing Themselves For A Biden Presidency
InformationLiberationDec 06
NBC News' Kasie Hunt dropped this gem Friday on Twitter...
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LA Bar Owner Slams Mayor Garcetti For Approving Movie Company's Outdoor Dining Area After Shutting Her Outdoor Dining Area Down
InformationLiberationDec 04
Heart-wrenching video went viral on Friday of a struggling bar owner in Los Angeles lamenting how Mayor Eric Garcetti approved a large outdoor dining area for a movie company just a few yards away from her outdoor dining area which he shut down in the name of fighting corona.
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YouTube Plans to Survey Creators On Their Race, Algorithmically Boost 'Diverse Communities'
InformationLiberationDec 03
YouTube under CEO Susan Wojcicki announced Thursday they're planning to issue a survey to all their creators asking them their race, gender and sexual orientation in order to algorithmically boost "diverse creator communities" over straight white men.
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Facebook Changing 'Race-Blind' Hate Speech Algorithms to Allow More Anti-White Hate
InformationLiberationDec 03
Mark Zuckerberg is overhauling Facebook's "race-blind" so-called "hate speech" algorithms to explicitly allow more anti-White hatred, according to a report from the Washington Post.
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GOP-Controlled Senate Passes 'America Last' Green Card Giveaway to Reward Big Tech
InformationLiberationDec 02
The GOP-controlled Senate stabbed their voters in the back on Wednesday by passing Utah Senator Mike Lee's green card giveaway to reward Big Tech by allowing them to import hundreds of thousands of Indian workers to take jobs from struggling American tech workers.
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