Polls: Americans Disgusted With U.S. Political Machine & Big Tech - Want Third Party & Regulation
InformationLiberationFeb 21
The system is experiencing an unprecedented legitimacy crisis and Big Tech is paying dearly for its embrace of mass censorship, a multitude of polls released over the past two weeks reveal.
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Neocon Robert Kagan: Americans Opposing Forever Wars Is An 'Example Of Their Intolerance'
InformationLiberationFeb 19
Americans who don't support "forever wars" in the Middle East in service of the "liberal world order" are simply showing their "intolerance," so says PNAC co-founder Robert Kagan in Foreign Affairs magazine.
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NYT: Critical Thinking "Isn't Helping In The Fight Against Misinformation"
InformationLiberationFeb 19
Critical thinking is now bad, the New York Times announced in a column on Thursday.
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Coca-Cola Tells Employees To 'Try To Be Less White': Internal Leak
InformationLiberationFeb 19
A whistleblower has leaked screenshots of an online training course Coca-Cola employees are allegedly being forced to take which tells them to "try to be less white," according to Dr Karlyn Borysenko.
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Reports: Biden Regime Setting Up New Military Base in Syria
InformationLiberationFeb 18
The Biden regime is setting up a new Coalition military base in northeastern Syria at the Iraq-Syria-Turkey triangle, according to reports.
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CNN And NBC Both Paid $35,000 to 'Insurgent' Who Filmed Inside Capitol Building
InformationLiberationFeb 18
CNN and NBC both paid "insurgent" and provocateur John Sullivan $35,000 for footage he took inside the Capitol building, The Daily Caller reports.
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Russia Slams Biden Regime's 'Persecution' Of Capitol Protesters, Labeling Of Dissenters As 'Terrorists'
InformationLiberationFeb 18
Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a statement condemning the Biden regime's "ongoing persecution campaign" against Capitol protesters and labeling of political dissenters as "domestic terrorists."
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Charges Against Amy Cooper Dropped After Completing Five Sessions Of 'Critical Therapy'
InformationLiberationFeb 16
Amy Cooper, the New York woman who was vindictively prosecuted by Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance for calling the police on a black man who threatened her, had the charges against her dropped on Tuesday after she completed five "critical therapy" sessions to re-educate her on her alleged "racial bias."
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Kamala Harris Taking Calls From World Leaders; Biden Going to Sleep Early & Playing Video Games
InformationLiberationFeb 16
Vice President Kamala Harris is taking calls from world leaders and Joe Biden is going to bed at 7:00 PM and playing video games with his grandkids.
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New York School Principal Tells White Parents to Become 'White Traitors'
InformationLiberationFeb 16
The principal of a New York college prep school sent white parents a "tool for action" telling them to become "white traitors" and advocate for full "white abolition," Christopher Rufo reports.
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NYT Retracts Claim That 'Pro-Trump Rioters' Smashed Officer Sicknick In The Head With A Fire Extinguisher
InformationLiberationFeb 15
The New York Times on Sunday finally admitted that Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick was not killed by "pro-Trump rioters" who "struck him in the head with a fire extinguisher" -- long after they spread the false claim to millions.
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Blame The GOP For Trump's Impeachment Trial - They Backed It To Keep Him From Pardoning Assange
InformationLiberationFeb 13
Multiple reports from last month indicated that GOP senators approved of Donald Trump's impeachment trial as a way to effectively blackmail the president into not pardoning Julian Assange.
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Ammo Company Demands Customers 'Check Box Saying They Did Not Vote For Joe Biden' to Purchase Rounds
InformationLiberationFeb 12
Fenix Ammunition in Novi, Michigan is demanding customers "check a box stating they did not vote for Joe Biden" in order to purchase their ammo.
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China Bans BBC World News to 'Send a Clear Signal That Fake News is Not Tolerated'
InformationLiberationFeb 12
Chinese state media outlet Global Times on Thursday night announced that China is banning BBC World News from the airwaves due to their "fake news" and relentless "falsified reporting."
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Israel Threatens to Abandon America, Ally With China And Russia After Securing $40B In U.S. Aid
InformationLiberationFeb 11
Knesset member Ayoob Kara, who is part of Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party, on Tuesday threatened that Israel is prepared to abandon America and ally with China and Russia if Biden "reneges on America's recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights and signs a nuclear deal with Iran."
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Leftist Guardian Writer Who Said 'There Is No Cancel Culture' Gets Canceled For Criticizing Israel
InformationLiberationFeb 11
A leftist Guardian writer who proclaimed "there is no cancel culture" just got canceled himself for tweeting a sarcastic joke criticizing US military aid to Israel.
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Shameless Rep Raskin Claims MAGA Protesters Led 'Burning Of A Church'; 'Impaled' Police At Capitol
InformationLiberationFeb 10
Lead House impeachment manager Rep Jamie Raskin (D-MD) claimed Wednesday that Trump supporters took part in the "burning of a church" at the second Million MAGA March before they "impaled" police officers at the Capitol protest on Jan 6.
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Detrumpification: Media Lays Out Plan to 'Deprogram' Trump Supporters From Their 'Extremist' Views
InformationLiberationFeb 10
The leftist propaganda outlet Axios on Tuesday laid out a dekulakization/detrumpification program for how to "deprogram" Trump supporters from their "extremist" views.
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Biden Regime Halts Deportation of Criminal African Migrants 'Due to Black History Month'
InformationLiberationFeb 09
Joe Biden's acting ICE director, Tae Johnson, halted deportation flights of criminal African migrants because they were "scheduled during Black History Month," according to a report from the Washington Post.
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Poll: 87% Of Trump Voters Concerned About Anti-White Discrimination
InformationLiberationFeb 08
An overwhelming majority of Trump voters are concerned about anti-White discrimination, according to a new AEI/YouGov poll.
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Democrats Back to Supporting Rioting Again
InformationLiberationFeb 08
That was quick.
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FBI Raids Trump Supporters Who Spoke At Rally The DAY BEFORE The Capitol 'Storming'; Interrogates Random Trump Supporters Who Never Even Went
InformationLiberationFeb 05
The FBI reportedly raided the homes of two Trump supporters who spoke at rallies the day before the Capitol protest and is now contacting random Trump supporters who didn't attend any Capitol protest-related events for questioning.
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Tucker: Bank of America Handed Over Their Customers' Data to The Feds After Capitol Protest
InformationLiberationFeb 05
Bank of America searched through their customers' data for purchases that may have been related to the Capitol protests and handed their private information over to the feds, Tucker Carlson reported Thursday night on Fox News.
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Americans Filmed Living Life Normally In Naples, Florida Triggers Outrage On Twitter
InformationLiberationFeb 04
There is nothing more infuriating for the Twitterati than to see happy, smiling people enjoying life without crippling, media-induced neuroses.
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AOC Emails Supporters, Asks Them to Mass-Report People Who Tweeted #AlexandriaOcasioSmollet
InformationLiberationFeb 04
Democratic Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez emailed her supporters on Wednesday night to encourage them to mass-report everyone who tweeted #AlexandriaOcasioSmollet, a hashtag making fun of her for claiming she "narrowly" escaped "death" during the Capitol protests despite not even being in the Capitol building.
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AOC Wasn't In Capitol Building During 'Storming,' Office Is In A Different Building Down The Street
InformationLiberationFeb 03
Democratic Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, whose melodramatic story of "narrowly" escaping "death" during the Capitol protests was the top story the past two days, was not in the Capitol building during the event but instead the Cannon Building down the street and a fellow congresswoman two doors down from her says their hallway wasn't "stormed."
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DOJ Investigating Elon Musk's SpaceX For Allegedly Hiring Americans Over Non-Citizens
InformationLiberationFeb 02
The Biden regime's Department of Justice last week launched a "discrimination" investigation into Elon Musk's SpaceX for allegedly hiring American citizens over non-citizens.
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Washington Examiner: Capitol Protesters Are 'Terrorists' Like Al Qaeda Who Must Be 'Ruthlessly Hunted Down'
InformationLiberationFeb 02
The Washington Examiner ran a hysterical column on Monday from "former" CIA officer Kevin Carroll calling for Americans who took part in the mostly peaceful protests at the Capitol to be "ruthlessly hunted down" and treated like Al Qaeda terrorists.
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Facebook Exec Wants White Cops to Wear Oculus VR Headsets And Watch Black People Get Abused
InformationLiberationFeb 02
Facebook civil rights VP Roy Austin, a former Obama administration official, wants white police officers to use Oculus VR headsets to watch videos of cops abusing black people as a form of sensitivity training.
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Tucker: Dems Mobilizing U.S. Military to 'Put Down Domestic Opinions'
InformationLiberationFeb 02
Tucker Carlson said Monday on Fox News that Democrats are mobilizing the army "in order to put down domestic opinions."
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