Falun Gong Demonstrator Embarrasses Global Mafia

Kurt Nimmo
Apr. 21, 2006

Derek Mitchell, a former Asia adviser at the Pentagon and now an analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a neolib “private organization,” told CNN how he feels about free speech, even when it disrupts a confab between dictators (or meeting between global Mafia dons). China “must know that this Bush administration is good at controlling crowds for themselves, and the fact that they couldn’t control this is going to play to their worse fears and suspicions about the United States, into mistrust about American intentions toward China.” Mitchell made the remark after a Chinese woman, reportedly a member of Falun Gong (or Falun Dafa), a persecuted religious group in the slave labor gulag of China, “began shouting from the top of a camera stand that was located directly in front” of the dictator of the United States and his counterpart from China, Hu Jintao.

Indeed, as Mitchell proudly admitted, the “Bush administration is good at controlling crowds,” even sweeping potential disagreers (in opposition to the decider dictator) from public street corners before Bush comes to town. Such “crowds,” believers in the First Amendment of the Constitution, have for years now been shuffled off to Orwellian doublespeak “free speech zones” that are little more than temporary concentration camps. In China, they are shot, sent off to a labor camp, or have their internal organs harvested.

How dare this woman interrupt our court-appointed and Diebold voting machine selected monarch and his guest, a “communist” (no relation to Karl Marx and the dictatorship of the proles) described as “a pragmatist and hard-liner as far as any effort of political reform is concerned,” in other words he has no problem killing people who disagree with his dictatorial rule (in China, if you dare speak out against the government, you are sent packing to a Laogai forced labor camp and the fruit of your coerced labor is then imported to America where thankful and semi-somnolent bargain hunters crowd like rats in a maze at Wal-Mart and other “free trade” emporiums).

Members of Falun Gong are especially outraged because the sadists ruling China have set up the Sujiatun Death Camp especially for them and then harvest their organs and sell them off to rich foreigners. According to the Integrated Committee to Investigate the Secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp and the Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong in China, since “2001, concentration camps similar to the one in Sujiatun have been set up in multiple provinces to detain large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners. In those camps, the authorities perform organ harvesting from live practitioners for sale and then cremate the remains to destroy the evidence. The atrocities were exposed to the international community in the beginning of March. Within three weeks, the underground concentration camp in Sujiatun was quickly relocated. Meanwhile, some hospitals and transplant centers in China are rushing to perform a large number of transplant operations: A slaughter to destroy witnesses/victims of the concentration camps is happening, and we urgently call upon the international community to initiate rescue programs to stop this new genocide.”

For less threatening dissidents, psychiatric hospitals, part of “China’s notorious Ankang system,” suffice. According to Human Rights Watch, political dissidents are diagnosed with an odd malady called “political monomania,” a condition “not found in any internationally recognized list of psychiatric illnesses,” and forcibly drugged and electroshocked. “The Communists are cruel. Inside the Ankang, there is nothing but terror and fear,” Qiu Jinyou told Die Zeit magazine (see previous link). “Not even the murderers there were treated as harshly as inmates of my category—people who had filed complaints or petitions with the authorities. During my time in the Ankang, I was tortured three to four times a week. I thought I was going to die there.” Meng Xiaoxia describes a “system of punishment and forced medication in the Xi’an Ankang. She was forcibly held there for altogether 10 years, without even once receiving a medical or psychiatric examination. She was given electric shock treatment, with electrodes placed on her forehead, on three occasions, and she was also subjected to insulin coma therapy—a treatment that is elsewhere almost unknown today due to its dangerous side effects. More generally, Ms. Meng described everyday life in the Ankang as being one where inmates endured severe punishments on an almost routine basis, creating an atmosphere of constant fear and anguish among them.”

Instead of asking the “pragmatist and hard-liner” Hu Jintao why he condones torture and organ harvesting of dissidents, “Bush, standing next to Hu, leaned over and whispered to Hu, ‘You’re OK,’ indicating the Chinese leader should proceed with his opening remarks…. expected to focus on trade, human rights and the diplomatic standoff over Iran’s nuclear program.”

Jintao and Bush are OK, but the rest of us are screwed. In addition to our globalist rulers selling out the country to China in return for low-interest loans (newspaper op-ed scribes like to call this “fiscal irresponsibility”) and flooding our multinational and mega-corporate chainstores and strip malls with cheap products manufactured by slaves and political prisoners, it is obvious to those of us who pay attention the United States under the rule of the neoliberal and neocon elite is in the process of transforming itself into a totalitarian state that will one day (and sooner before later) become as brutal and sadistic as China. Government—unchecked, unbalanced, and left to its own devices—always becomes a tyrannical leviathan.

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