Foreign Government Manipulates US Domestic Policy With Help of the Bush Mafia and Their PR Cronies

Fox hired Rob Allyn & Co. to sweeten US views on immigration
Prison Planet
Apr. 14, 2006

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones

In late December 2005, Mexican President Vicente Fox hired a lobbying firm to sweeten political sentiment in the US towards Mexicans and the immigration issue. The same PR expert and GOP political consultant helped George W. Bush defeat Ann Richards for the governorship of Texas in 1994 and worked on both Bush's presidential campaigns.

Rob Allyn of Rob Allyn & Co. secretly engineered Fox's 2000 presidential victory and is closely tied with George W. Bush.

Is it therefore a stretch to suggest that Allyn, with the blessing of George W. Bush, is the architect of the mass immigration protests that were themselves an inorganic construct of the Spanish language media?

There can be no doubt that a foreign government is working in tandem with the government of the United States and a powerful, politically-connected public relations firm to manufacture consent and to hold back a growing grassroots movement to defend America's sovereignty.

The LA Times reported in December of last year, that Vicente Fox hired Allyn & Co. when the rumblings of immigration reform began to be heard in congress:

Last week, the U.S. House approved a bill to add 700 miles of border fencing and make illegal immigration a felony. Fox denounced the measure as shameful. His foreign minister called it "stupid" and "underhanded."

The immigration bill, expected to reach the Senate in February, has no provision for allowing temporary Mexican workers -- a further "slap," in Fox's view. He and President Bush agree on the need for a ''guest worker'' program.

The firm was hired to create a mechanism to sway public opinion in favor of Mexico and Mexican immigrants into the U.S. at the same moment public concern over border security was begining to reach a fever pitch. The timing is impeccable.

The legislation that Fox found so "shameful" is the very same that is being protested so vehemently by hundreds of thousands around the country. The mainstream media's massive protest coverage kept coming back to a few central themes: the protesters are against "criminalizing" the illegal crossing of U.S. borders and they are seeking a blanket amnesty for undocumented immigrants currently residing in the country. Fox turned to Allyn & Co. to push this very agenda.

And the mainstream media is playing a crucial role in the strategy. News outlets all across the nation ignored the calls to action being trafficked in mass by their Spanish language counterparts. When the protests began, newspapers and TV news stations played down the undercurrents of Mexican nationalism and racism, concealing the Mexican flags and "La Raza" signs behind the "stars and stripes." And while anti-war protests and Minutemen rallies are depicted as insignificant in size and political efficacy, the mainstream media has spun these immigration protests positively to build their movement by giving it a clear target and many successes. The mainstream media teamed with the Spanish language media has succeeded in forging a gargantuan rent-a-mob.

An LA Times report on last December's announcement quotes Allyn (pictured) on his tactics on behalf of Fox,

''Our focus is on public opinion, which influences policy outcomes in Congress,'' said Allyn, 46, who grew up in Huntington Beach, Calif., and moved to Texas when he was in high school. "There is a huge misperception among the U.S. public about Mexico.''

Allyn worked closely with the media during his tenure under Fox, also helping craft his TV commercials. Mexico's foreign minister said his aim was to convey the impression that, "Mexicans have sunk roots deep in their U.S. neighborhoods and that they contribute more through their work, taxes and families than they take away in public services."

This is exactly the kind of propaganda that has unquestionably been relayed by the establishment press in America during the recent protests.

During our reporting on the immigration protests that are a front for the violent separatist Atzlan movement, watching Spanish TV news stations we were able to ascertain that the marches were not wholly an organic response to the introduction of the immigration bill but were being artificially promoted and organized by the Spanish-language media.

The very next day the Associated Press reported that, "Many of the 500,000 people who crammed downtown Los Angeles on Saturday to protest legislation that would make criminals out of illegal immigrants learned where, when and even how to demonstrate from the Spanish-language media.

"For English-speaking America, the mass protests in Los Angeles and other U.S. cities over the past few days have been surprising for their size and seeming spontaneity."

"But they were organized, promoted or publicized for weeks by Spanish-language radio hosts and TV anchors as a demonstration of Hispanic pride and power."

The agenda behind the protests and their de-facto endorsement by the Bush administration is multifaceted.

Artificially manufactured race riots provide the perfect pretext to begin round-up and internment procedures that have been previously outlined in the REX 84 program and were cited in the recent Kellogg Brown and Root contract to construct detention camps which was given to them by Homeland Security.

In addition, swamping America with illegal immigrants balkanizes the country, lowers the standard of living and sinks America into second word status, necessary for the implementation of a Pax Americana FTAA system.

The fact that a Bush GOP lobbyist is behind the promotion of the protests comes as no surprise. Bush's blanket amnesty guest worker program will legalize all illegal felons at the behest of Vicente Fox.

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