Death Threats of a Criminally Insane Miscreant

Kurt Nimmo
Apr. 09, 2006

I was two-thirds of the way through a blog entry on Bush’s desire to nuke Iran when I received an email pointing me to an article by Sunil K. Sharma on the Dissident Voice website. “CounterPunch co-editor Jeffrey St. Clair this morning brought to my attention a screed by a disturbed individual named George M. Weinert V of Chicago, Illinois, whose blog, American Jihad, features a March 24, 2006 article (to put it charitably) that reads clearly as an incitement to violence,” Sharma writes, “a call to ‘hunt down the treasonous operators’ of Dissident Voice, CounterPunch, Uruknet, and other ‘radical left wing hippy commie Muslim sucking’ (wow, what a mouthful) web sites…. Particularly singled out for targeting in Weinert’s deranged ramblings are Dissident Voice contributing writers Mike Whitney, Ken Sanders, as well as our friend and past contributing writer Kurt Nimmo. Weinert is hardly subtle in issuing what is clearly a death threat against us.”

In fact, Weinert has long called for my execution, encouraging his idiot brigade (he fondly calls them “citizen firing squads”) to hunt me down and “eliminate this threat to America now” (if you are so inclined, you can read this nut case’s blog entry here). Weinert has issued death threats for some time now and the journalist Mike Whitney and I seem to be his favorite target.

Once upon a time in America it was illegal to issue death threats. That was then, this is now. In the current Bushzarro world political climate, such is normal, even considered patriotism by more than a few demented Americans who equate opposition to the Straussian neocon death machine to treason and sedition as they define it and thus worthy of vigilante execution in fascist fashion sans any pretense of legality.

Last year I wrote to Google, the corporation that owns Blogger, where Weinert posts his death threats. I was basically told his psychotic ramblings and death threats are not their problem. “Member acknowledges and agrees that Pyra neither endorses the contents of any Member communications nor assumes responsibility for any threatening, libelous, obscene, harassing or offensive material contained therein,” states Blogger’s terms of service. In short, Pyra (the Google owned company that created Blogger) believes they are not responsible. I wonder if the police would care if I allowed a guy to live in my house who repeatedly threatened the neighbors. It would be perfectly natural for the neighbors to sue the pants off me if I did such a thing. But in corporate America common sense rules are turned on their head, even though we are told corporations have the same legal rights as individuals. Needless to say, it is a waste of time to contact Google, the search engine corporation that crawled in bed recently with the Chinese government to help the slave labor gulag censor the internet in that country.

In fact, there seems to be little recourse. In America, you have to wait until a perpetrator pumps a couple bullets in you before you can seek recourse. Or arm yourself to the teeth and wait for the lynch mob to arrive on your doorstep. In fact, arming yourself is the only sane thing to do.

Weinert should be in an institution for the criminally insane. However, he is allowed to walk the streets and make his vile threats. Weinert’s threats are quite common these days, ever popular since “everything changed” on nine eleven, as radio talk show “personalities”—Joseph Goebbels was such a “personality”—such as the former beatnik Michael “Savage” Weiner are popular. Savage is not only allowed to issue nasty threats, but encouraged to do so by corporations such as Clear Channel. Weiner demands the government round up the opposition and throw them en masse in concentration camps, as the Nazis did (and the United States did to Japanese Americans during the Second World War, an act many neocons approve, including Michelle Malkin). Weinert, who bills himself as a Zionist, wants to go one step further and simply line “traitors” up against a wall and execute them. Nazis did likewise. But then increasingly America is becoming a fascist nation and neocon scum are considered among of our leading citizens.

I wish Sunil K. Sharma the best of luck in his effort to put an end to Weinert’s threats. I’d like to remain optimistic and upbeat. However, the way things are in America today, I believe his effort will come to naught.

In America, circa 2006, the government considers the people the enemy and will not protect us from potential lunatics, criminals, miscreants, violent mental patients—hell, a lot of these people end up in positions of power in the government. In essence, it is up to the people to protect themselves, a task increasingly difficult as the Mafia dons in Washington and their co-conspirators in the whorehouse on the Potomac continue their assault against the Bill of Rights, notable in the above context the Second Amendment.

Let’s face it—the neocons have created the climate allowing maniacs such as George M. Weinert V of Chicago, Illinois, to make their threats and also consider themselves patriotic Americans. Now they want to make sure the gun-grabbers take away our right to protect ourselves (ask the residents of New Orleans about government gun-grabbers). In the not too distant future, it is a distinct possibility the Weinerts of America will be kicking in our doors under the badge of the Ministry of Homeland Security. After all, the government loves criminals and there are plenty of job opportunities within the infrastructure of the emerging fascist state.

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