Merging The U.S., Canada & Mexico

Rusty Mason
Apr. 04, 2006

Well, the Bush regime's efforts to merge the US, Canada, and Mexico into one regional government are almost complete. These actions are not missteps, as some conservatives would like to believe, but deliberate and purposeful efforts for a regional government. A few reminders:

Merging the US, Canada, & Mexico
Bush Decries Border Project
Alberto Gonzalez and La Raza
1 Million Aliens Released into General Population

We have to face it. We have to admit it out loud, each of us, not only to ourselves, but to each other. Bush is a radical liberal, a global communist -- always has been, always will be. He is a bona fide traitor to America, as his actions throughout his administration have clearly shown. Can anyone trust this traitor and his Straussian neo-cons about ANYTHING? Health care? Immigration? War on drugs? Education? 9-11? Homeland Security? National ID cards? Of course not.

The Iraq and Iran wars. Who can support the ridiculous idea of spreading democracy in the Middle East when we cannot even hold onto our own republic? Which of our children are to die for "democracy in Iraq?" So that this idea gets through, please state their names. Do this: announce to your parents and to your spouse which ones you would like to see risk their lives for this Jacobin fantasy. Also imagine that you might someday be standing at your child's funeral, holding back the tears while praising his or her heroic efforts of trying to bring democracy to Iraq. Would the truth of our situation be clear to you then?

The war on terror. Another farce. Most of our leaders and big businesses are intentionally holding our borders wide open, even while we are subject to increasingly intrusive and humiliating searches and seizures. They are encouraging the building of mosques using government money. Bush constantly praises Islam as a "religion of peace." Our city, state, and federal governments have dismantled our immigration controls, which worked fairly well. The border wall, new immigration laws, and national ID cards are not only unnecessary, they will merely increase the oppressive power of this new Soviet-style police state.

What kind of country are we building for our children? Congress is spending like LBJ and FDR rolled into one. American-hating free-loaders are pouring into our country, literally by the millions. Taxes will increase significantly over our children's lifetimes. They must: real wages are still going down, ever more jobs are being shipped overseas, the Fed is flooding the world with fiat money (M3, an official measure of this money, will soon go unreported), and real inflation is running close to 10%. We are in serious danger of losing our middle class completely.

Do you think that your "conservative" talk show hosts are going to alert you to the truth? Really? When did Bill Bennett inform you that Bush's "No Child Left Behind" is the same UNESCO (United Nations) program as it was under the name of "Goals 2000" and "School to Work?" When did Savage point out that the architects of the war in Iraq, Bush's closest advisors, belong to the Likud party, a political party of a foreign government which is naturally hostile to Iraq? I don't listen to Rush, but I doubt that he made much of a fuss over the LaRaza ("The Race") affiliation of Bush's attorney general.

When did Sean Hannity tell you about Bush's intentions to merge the US, Canada, and Mexico into one EU-style regional government? When did Bill O'Reilly tell you that the national ID card was designed by an ex-KGB chief, and that the effort began years before 9-11? When did Laura Ingram alert listeners that the US government is planning on building concentration camps across the country? (Google "KBR", "Emergency Support Services", "Homeland Security", and "Concentration Camps" if you don't believe me.)

You didn't hear this because the "main stream" media is still very liberal, still in the hands of die-hard Bolsheviks. We must face this disaster with courage. We are on our own.

Consider what will happen when 10's of millions of Mexican nationals and other illegals are given de facto American citizenship. They will bring their families. They will vote themselves huge raises at our expense. They will become police officers, soldiers, and in time, lawyers and politicians. Waving the Mexican flag, they will work to remake the United States in their own corrupt image.

Already, we are at a disadvantage. Hate-crime laws are stacked against Americans. The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the traditional rights of Englishmen are being furiously attacked by a supposedly "conservative" government and administration. Our government leaders admit, and many endorse, torture. Hard-won, traditional limits against government abuse, such as Habeas Corpus and Mens Rea are disappearing. Our government now openly spies on its own citizens. Americans have always known that that was something only communist governments do.

(Do you remember what conservatism what like in the 60's? Remember Barry Goldwater? What is now left to conserve?)

And the "Patriot" Act? Can that name be any more insulting? Do you remember that it was rushed into law before Congress even had time to read it, and that it has since been roundly criticized and called a death blow to what's left of the Constitution by both liberals and conservatives, Democrats and Republicans? Well, hold onto your lunch because, as bad as the Patriot Acts I & II are, there are many more laws and legal rulings that are not only destroying our freedoms, but laying the groundwork for a nightmare. Read Paul Craig Roberts' book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, for a very scary list. Then re-read Orwell's 1984, The Communist Manifesto, and Huxley's Brave New World to get a picture of where all of this is headed.

What can you do? Well, you could help impeach Bush. You could join the Minutemen Project, the FreeState Project, and/or the Christian Exodus. You could homeschool your children. You could consider third parties. Better yet, you could vote for the man and not the party.

But before you do any of those things -- and I cannot stress this strongly enough -- you must make a personal confession (if you haven't already). You must openly denounce the present situation. Sounds so simple, doesn't it? Silly, really, when you think about it. But can you do it? Can you criticize Bush's regime to your friends as strongly and easily as you criticize Bill and Hillary and "those dirty Democrats"? If so, let's hear you.

Next, can you stand up to the liars and the lackeys in your party and tell them that you've had enough? Will you risk alienation, your reputation, attacks by the IRS, to side with the few real patriotic leaders, men like Ron Paul?

If conservatives cannot admit out loud, right now to everyone, that most of the leaders in our government are actively betraying our American nation, then nothing will change for the better. We can stop this and prevent the enslavement of our children, but only if we act out, right here, right now. Are you brave enough to see what is right in front of you? Will you risk announcing that the emperor has no clothes?

"Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party, generally.

"This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments, more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but in those of the popular form, it is seen in its greatest rankness, and is truly their worst enemy." -- George Washington in his 1796 Farewell Address.

"Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power." -- Benjamin Franklin, in the 1738 Poor Richard's Almanack 29 March, 2006

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