Human medical experiments go terribly wrong in "nightmare" TGN1412 drug trial

News Target
Mar. 16, 2006

"We told ya so" just doesn't cut it. Barely ten days after Truth Publishing warned the public about the dangers of medical experimentation on humans, a disastrous pharmaceutical experiment has left six men fighting for their lives.

The scene was a living medical hell, say witnesses. After being injected with the anti-inflammatory drug TGN1412, patients began tearing their shirts off, screaming that their heads were going to explode. One patient's head swelled to triple its normal size, and patients were soon passing out, vomiting, or screaming in sheer terror.

Within minutes after the injections, patients were suffering from severe breathing attacks, convulsions and excruciating pain. And now, after the incident, they are fighting for their lives after having their organs permanently damaged. Only the two who were given placebos escaped the horrors. (It gives new credence to the safety of mind/body medicine, homeopathy and the placebo effect, doesn't it? Take a placebo, and you probably won't die.)

As reported in The Sun, a U.K. newspaper, the girlfriend of one of the victims had this to say about her boyfriend's status shortly after the experiment went terribly wrong: "He was completely lifeless, like a shell. He can't even move his eyelids. This machine is pumping out his lungs and his face is puffed out like The Elephant Man. A day ago he was fine and now they are saying he could die at any moment. The doctors say they are in the dark because they don't know the drug or what it can do. They don't know what they are dealing with."

The Independent reported, "One victim was named as trainee plumber Ryan Flanagan, 21, of Highbury, north London. His family were told he could not breathe unaided, and his head and neck had swollen to three times their normal size."

The eight patients were all part of a clinical drug trial run by an American drug company (Parexel). The drug, TGN1412, was hoped to be tested and approved as a treatment for arthritis, leukemia and multiple sclerosis. I'm not sure that the results experienced by these eight men would dissuade an FDA decision panel from recommending approval for the drug, but it's possible. Or maybe it will simply be approved with a black box warning.
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(Concept: placebo)
Drug companies around the world, of course, are now concerned they won't be able to sign up more human guinea pigs for their own experimental drug trials. The drug industry relies heavily on exploiting the poor as human guinea pigs (see Human medical experimentation in modern times: How immigrants, poor people, minorities and children are modern-day guinea pigs for Big Pharma ), for without poor people to run experiments on, there can be no official declaration that the drugs are safe enough for everyone else to take.

Not coincidentally, the multiple organ failure suffered by the victims in this particular drug trial is not uncommon to see from the long-term use of FDA-approved drugs being widely prescribed today. People aren't falling over screaming from most drugs, but they are experiencing long-term liver damage, kidney damage, and brain damage due to the toxicity of common drugs prescribed to treat arthritis, depression, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other conditions.

The horrifying truth about conventional medicine
Far beyond this particular drug trial, the truth about conventional medicine is simply this:

1. Most drugs don't work on most people (they don't produce the desired biochemical effects).
2. Most drugs damage vital organs when taken for more than a few days.
3. Health authorities like the FDA do not protect the people; they protect drug company profits.

Pharmaceutical-based medicine is, in fact, a cruel (and expensive) hoax being perpetrated on people all over the world. Its power centers are the United States and the U.K., where most of the world's largest drug companies are headquartered. That eight adult men might die from this drug experiment is only horrifying to drug companies due to the bad P.R., not from any sense of remorse or compassion for human life. After all, FDA-approved pharmaceuticals outright kill at least 100,000 Americans each year, not to mention the tens of thousands killed in the U.K. by the very same drugs. Where is the outcry for the chemical holocaust taking place every day with all these other prescription drugs?

These latest human experiments are nothing new, either. They're just another incident in a long, gruesome history of medical experimentation on humans by Big Pharma that has its roots in Nazi Germany concentration camps and the crimes of IG Farben. Want to see the real history of medical experiments on humans? We published it a week ago, before this crisis ever made the headlines: Human medical experimentation in the United States: The shocking true history of modern medicine and psychiatry (1833-2005).

Read it and you'll finally understand the true nature of Big Pharma. It's scarier than you could ever imagine. If you think exploding heads, vomiting patients and screaming medical subjects are intense, just wait until you read the truth about what else has been done "in the name of medical science." Some of what's going on in Big Pharma can only be described as downright Satanic.

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