Biden's Lebanon Envoy, Ex-Israeli Soldier Amos Hochstein, Gave Israel 'Green Light' to Invade Lebanon

Chris Menahan
Oct. 12, 2024

President Biden's Lebanon envoy Amos Hochstein, a former Israeli soldier who was born in Jerusalem, reportedly gave Israel the "green light" to expand their war with Lebanon.

Politico reported two weeks ago that Hochstein and presidential advisor Brett McGurk "privately told Israel that the US would support its decision to ramp up military pressure against Hezbollah."

While Biden was busy playing Commander-in-Chief and pushing for a ceasefire while cursing Netanyahu left and right, Hochstein was apparently telling Israel they can do whatever the hell they want.

From Zeteo:
Who Is the Ex-Israeli Soldier Serving as Biden's Lebanon Envoy?

Amos Hochstein, an Israeli military veteran, is the US official who reportedly gave the green light to Netanyahu.

by Prem Thakker | Oct 10, 2024

From Israeli Soldier to Biden Confidant

Hochstein's ascent from Israeli soldier to energy adviser to one of Biden's most trusted advisers on the Middle East may appear to be despite his background – but some argue the rise is because of it.

Born in Israel in 1973, Hochstein served in the Israeli military as a young man, reportedly as a tank crewman.

In a 2012 interview, Hochstein's wife said, "My husband is Israeli…" Hochstein would have been serving in the State Department at the time as the deputy assistant secretary for energy diplomacy.
When asked if Hochstein ever held Israeli citizenship and, if so, whether he renounced it, the State Department directed Zeteo to the White House. The White House National Security Council said that Hochstein is not a dual citizen but would not elaborate. Hochstein did not respond to a list of questions about his background and current role.

Characterized by the New York Times as a "dashing profile in his slim-fitting suits and slicked-back hair," Hochstein began his Washington career in 1994 as a staffer for the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Since then, he's worked in both the private and public sectors in varying capacities.

That's included lobbying for some questionable parties like Equatorial Guinea and its president, Teodoro Obiang Nguema, whose government was accused of "unlawful killings by security forces; government-sanctioned kidnappings; systematic torture of prisoners and detainees by security forces," and Marathon Oil, which sought an exemption from a US law that empowered Americans to sue foreign governments they have terrorism-related claims against (several oil giants like Marathon had inked deals under Muammar Gaddafi's reign).

Hochstein also served on the supervisory board of Ukraine's state-owned natural gas company Naftogaz and consulted for a UAE-based natural gas company.

He began his tenure with the State Department in 2011 under the Obama administration. At the time, he also served as a close adviser to then-Vice President Biden. Several years later, with Biden in the Oval Office, Hochstein was appointed as the top energy official at the State Department before being elevated to a senior adviser at the White House last year.

"The president has known Amos for some time, dating back to the Obama administration, and he really respects and trusts him," a senior administration official told E&E News in 2022. "Whenever questions of energy come up, [Biden] seeks his advice."

"He's Biden's favorite energy guy," an energy industry consultant echoed.
Sounds like he got in on the same grift as Hunter Biden.

Imagine how great our country could be if we actually had Americans running our government who cared about the interests of America.

It's a novel concept, sure, but perhaps one day once Americans open their eyes to this occupation we can make it a reality.

[Header image by the Israeli Government Press Office]

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