Trump Criticizes Harris's Persecution of Catholics But Says 'Jewish People Are Treated Even Worse'

Chris Menahan
Jul. 31, 2024

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday criticized VP Kamala Harris's persecution of Catholics but then pivoted to claim that "Jewish people are treated even worse."

"A large group of Catholics is launching a major Political Campaign against Crazy Kamala Harris. FINALLY!" Trump said, referencing a new initiative from CatholicVote. "Catholics are literally being persecuted by this Wack Job, just ask the Knights of Columbus. They say that she is the most Anti-Catholic person ever to run for high office in the U.S. This respected group wants ALL CATHOLICS TO VOTE AGAINST KAMALA, and they are 100% correct."

"P.S. Jewish people are treated even worse, if that's possible," Trump added. "They are dropping Kamala and the Democrats like flies - And it's about time!"

Trump over the past week has been whining over Kamala Harris declining to attend Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress.

Harris met privately with Netanyahu one day after the speech and pledged her "unwavering commitment" to Israel.

[Header image by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0]

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