AIPAC Says "America Must Have Israel's Back" as Israel Bombs Yemen

Chris Menahan
Jul. 20, 2024

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee on Saturday said that "America must have Israel's back" as Israel carried out a series of airstrikes on Yemen's port city of Hodeidah.

"Israel will act against terrorists to defend itself and protect its families," AIPAC said. "America must have Israel's back."

From The Middle East Eye, "Yemen: Israeli air strikes target Hodeidah port, Houthi media reports":
A series of strikes targeted the Yemeni port city of Hodeidah on Saturday, hitting a fuel depot, according to Houthi-run media.

AFP's correspondent in Hodeidah reported hearing several loud explosions as Al Masirah TV described the attacks as a "series of strikes" on "fuel storage facilities" at the port.

The health ministry, cited by the report, said the attack caused casualties but did not provide further details.
"This is the first time that Israel has directly attacked Yemen, a country more than 1,000 miles away," Axios reports. "An Israeli official confirmed the strike and said it was conducted in coordination with the U.S. and an international coalition formed to counter Houthi attacks."

A Houthi spokesman responded to the strikes by saying the strikes "will only increase the determination, steadfastness, and escalating continuation of the Yemeni people and their brave armed forces in supporting Gaza."

"The brutal Israeli aggression on Yemen by targeting civilian facilities, oil tanks, and the power station in Hodeidah aims to double the suffering of the people and pressure Yemen to stop supporting Gaza. This is a dream that, Allah willing, will never come true," Houthi spokesman Ansarallah Mohammed Abdul Salam said.

"We affirm that this brutal aggression will only increase the determination, steadfastness, and escalating continuation of the Yemeni people and their brave armed forces in supporting Gaza," he added. "Thanks to Allah, the Yemeni people are capable of facing all challenges with Allah's help and in the pursuit of justice for Palestine and the people of Gaza, which represents the most just cause on earth."

The Houthis managed to strike Tel Aviv on Friday with a low-flying drone that evaded their Iron Dome anti-missile defense system.

The drone reportedly killed a former IDF sniper and injured 10 others.

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