Trump Drops 'Unity' Messaging Halfway Through His RNC Speech

Chris Menahan
Jul. 19, 2024

Former President Donald Trump livened up his somber RNC speech on Thursday night by eventually dropping the "unity" schtick he signed on to after getting nearly assassinated.

"Have We Lost Trump?" Paul Craig Roberts asked in a short blog post ahead of the final day of the RNC, writing:
[Quoting from RT]: "Trump's defiance has apparently given way to a more conciliatory approach to politics. Speaking to the New York Post on Sunday, the Republican presidential candidate said that he had written 'an extremely tough speech... all about the corrupt, horrible administration' for delivery at the RNC on Thursday, but 'threw it away' and began working on a speech to 'unite our country' following the assassination attempt."

How can good be united with evil? How is sexual morality united with sexual perversion? How is ethnic nationalism united with a Tower of Babel?
You can almost pinpoint the moment when his tone changed (it takes about a minute):

[Embed starts at 1:01:22]

Trump is carrying the GOP on his back with his cult of personality but also running it into the ground due to his lack of principles.

As I said the other day when discussing Amber Rose's speech at the RNC, I don't know whether to condemn him for it or thank him.

Trump's not running on a winning message but he's running against a corpse so it might not even matter. That said, all the charm and revolutionary spirit of 2016 is gone.

The GOP is now the party of the Ghost of Sheldon Adelson.

Trump has been playing it safe amidst his rising poll numbers and coming within an inch of death is likely making him play things even safer than before. The problem is there's no energy in playing it safe and odds are his speech won't change anything.

If/when Democrats swap out Biden they have a tremendous opportunity to liven up an otherwise boring race between what are now essentially two moderates -- but odds are they too are not going to capitalize on it.

Both parties are in the grip of their Israel First donors and who is sitting in the White House now is just a formality.

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