Yair Netanyahu Shares Vid of IDF Soldier Threatening Defense Minister Yoav Gallant With Military Coup

Chris Menahan
May. 25, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son Yair on Saturday shared video of a "Netanyahu loyalist" IDF soldier threatening Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant with a military coup if he doesn't expand the war in Gaza.

Yair, who has been living it up in Miami throughout the war, posted the video to his Telegram before later deleting it.

Gallant last week rejected the idea of Israel permanently occupying the Gaza Strip and said he would "not agree to the establishment of Israeli military rule in Gaza."

The Times of Israel transcribed most of the video:
"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the video is for you. We reservist soldiers do not intend to hand the keys over to any Palestinian authority. We do not intend to give the keys to Gaza to any entity — Hamas, Fatah or any other Arab entity. Reservist soldiers are behind you and we want to win," the soldier said, speaking from what appears to be a ruined building in Gaza.

"We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you have 100,000 reservist soldiers that are ready to give their lives for the people of Israel. Ready to die. We lost everything, we lost our family life, we lost our livelihoods and we have nowhere to go. We will stay here, until the end. Until the victory," the reservist soldier states.

"Yoav Gallant, you can't win the war. Quit. You can't win this war. You can't command us," the reservist says.

The soldier vowed to refuse Gallant's orders and asserted that soldiers will only listen to Netanyahu. He threatened that the 100,000 reservist soldiers would station themselves at the border and not move, and call on citizens of Israel to join them there if the government steps back from the goal of completely eliminating Hamas.

"Think really well who you leave the keys to after this. We want victory. Our brothers and sisters did not die for nothing, weren't raped for nothing, and were not slaughtered in their beds for nothing," he said, referring to the IDF casualties in Gaza and the atrocities of Hamas's October 7 massacre.
It's becoming clearer by the day that Israel is losing the war.

US Gen. C.Q. Brown last week even "chided" Israel for losing ground to Hamas.

As Politico reports:
The Pentagon's top general offered a rare critique of Israel's war strategy on Monday, warning Israeli troops' failure to hold ground they had taken from Hamas in northern Gaza could have long-term effects.

"Not only do you have to actually go in and clear out whatever adversary you are up against, you have to go in, hold the territory and then you've got to stabilize it," said Gen. C.Q. Brown, chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, drawing on his years in the Middle East.

Brown, who rarely chides Israeli forces, stressed that the Israeli tactic of pushing Hamas fighters out of one area and then leaving makes achieving lasting stability more difficult. Instead, he suggested, they are ceding ground for Hamas to return and undermine humanitarian efforts to help the population in Gaza.

[...] Hamas fighters have since returned to areas of northern Gaza, forcing Israel to try and retake ground it had already won. The renewed clashes have called into question how long the fighting in Gaza will last, and whether the Israeli government's goal of eradicating Hamas is achievable.

[...] Brown, drawing on U.S. lessons in Iraq and Afghanistan, said Monday that after Israel "cleared they didn't hold, and so that allows your adversary then to repopulate in areas if you're not there." Having to return to the same areas multiple times "does make it more challenging [for Israel] as far as being able to meet their objectives of being able to militarily destroy and defeat Hamas."

The Israeli government has said it intends to dismantle Hamas, kill or capture its leadership, and rescue the roughly 130 Israeli hostages still held by the group.

Eight months into the war, Israel has met none of those objectives.
It's one thing to bomb women and children from the sky, it's a whole other thing to go into Hamas's vast tunnel network and snake them out.

The military strategists who warned that bombing Gaza to the ground would only make the war harder to win by making the area more difficult for an invading army to traverse have been proven right.

Hamas is releasing video after video among the ruins of Gaza showing them hitting IDF tanks with RPGs and sniping IDF soldiers.

The latest news is Hamas is claiming to have captured IDF soldiers (Israel is denying the claim).

The IDF reservist threatening a coup is right about Israel losing the war but he's completely deluded if he thinks a change of leadership is going to turn this disaster around.

The mistakes have already been made.

The real question now is how is Israel going to navigate another humiliating defeat?

In March, Israeli intel sources signaled to the Telegraph that they're planning to blame America for their own failure.

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