Senate Passes $95.3B Aid Package for Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan With Nothing for U.S. Border SecurityChris MenahanInformationLiberation Feb. 13, 2024 |
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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said the "national security bill" was passed to advance "our security, our values, and our democracy."
The previous version of the bill went down in flames due to the border provisions enacting de facto open borders. Rather than grant the American people any concessions, the Senate decided to rework the bill to give us absolutely nothing as a giant "F you." "22 Republicans voted with nearly all Democrats to pass the package 70-29," the AP reports: Two Democrats, Sens. Jeff Merkley of Oregon and Peter Welch of Vermont, as well as Sen. Bernie Sanders, an independent, voted against it. The progressive lawmakers have objected to sending offensive weaponry to Israel.The bill is allegedly going to be dead on arrival in the House: [House Speaker Mike Johnson], R-La., said in a statement Monday that because the foreign aid package lacks border security provisions, it is "silent on the most pressing issue facing our country." It was the latest -- and potentially most consequential -- sign of opposition to the Ukraine aid from House GOP leadership, who had rejected the bipartisan border plan as a "non-starter," contributing to its rapid demise.He'd better follow through.
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