Times of Israel Writer Lays Out Why He And Other Israelis "Couldn't Care Less" About Dead Gazans, Want "War Without Mercy"Chris MenahanInformationLiberation Dec. 01, 2023 |
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![]() ![]() "Yoni Leviatan is a British-born, American-raised, Israeli-blooded musician, content producer and writer," his profile on the Times of Israel states. "Originally from Coral Springs, Florida, he's been living in Tel Aviv since 2009 where he spends his free time writing about Israel and politics with articles featured in Newsweek, Times of Israel and The Forward." Leviatan wrote Friday on X: To those who reply to me with pictures of the damage and destruction in Gaza as if this is supposed to be something that moves me, you should know how much I really, truly in my heart don't care. In fact, this is what the saying "I couldn't care less" was made for. ![]() But most of all, we want our people back more than ever – and will do whatever it takes. Literally, anything. Nothing's off the table. Mercy is a foreign concept that has no application here. The opposite – we want our army to attack with whatever the opposite of mercy is.Leviatan cited atrocity propaganda he was fed to justify the bloodletting: This is a good example of what I'm talking about. This guy wants me to feel sorry for 8000 dead Gazans but all I can think about is how lucky they were to die in an instant instead of being tortured for hours on end, instead of being gang-raped for hours on end before having a knife stuck up your vagina carving out your internal organs, instead of being an 8yo girl having your arm cut off and left there to die a long, painful death for hours on end alone until your body just gives out. ![]() He also said Israel will not only eradicate Hamas but kill anyone "who gets in our way": Not sure what I love more, all the liberals telling me they agree with me or all the Hamas supporters losing their minds when they discover that we're not going to just sit here and play kumbayah when you kill 1,200 of our people and kidnap 240 more. ![]() I applaud Leviatan for his honesty. Like he said, he's actually a moderate.
The carpet bombing of Gaza has already begun again and Leviatan is no doubt cheering the slaughter.
When Netanyahu made thinly-veiled references to destroying "Amalek," this is what he was talking about.
The Israeli military is literally telling their soldiers to go out and kill "families, mothers and children" and slaughter their Arab neighbors.
When American college students protest against this massacre they're labeled "anti-Semitic" and pro-Israel billionaires put them on "no-hire lists" to destroy their lives and keep them from finding jobs. We know now that Israel had Hamas's war plans for over a year and failed to stop the attack. Reports further indicate they actually added to the list of Israeli casualties by shooting their own people with tanks and Apache helicopters (and now they're working to destroy the evidence).
This is a war of vengeance and it's being backed entirely by the full force, power and military might of the U.S. government. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab, Minds and Telegram. |