Aussie PM Suggests Senator Who Smacked Teen That Egged Him Should be Charged for Defending HimselfChris MenahanInformationLiberation Mar. 18, 2019 |
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Australian Senator Fraser Anning released a statement Friday on the New Zealand mosque shooting condemning the attack but also saying "the real cause of bloodshed on New Zealand streets today is the immigration program which allowed Muslim fanatics to migrate to New Zealand in the first place."
It triggered a wee bit of controversy, to say the least. Sen. Anning held a press conference to talk about it on Friday: At the end of the press conference, 17-year-old Will Connolly attacked him by smashing an egg on the back of his head, to which Anning responded by smacking him in the face:
An Anning supporter detained the kid by putting him in a choke hold:
An angry Muslim later confronted Anning in an airport and called him a "s**t c**t" repeatedly:
The Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison, responded to the event on Sunday by suggesting Anning should be criminally charged for defending himself: Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Sunday suggested that the far right politician who was egged by a 17-year-old boy should be charged for retaliating by hitting the teen.For his part, Anning is not backing down. He went to a gun show he was already scheduled to attend before the shooting occurred without any apology:
He then held a press conference on Sunday reiterating his beliefs and criticizing the Prime Minister for failing to condemn a Muslim terrorist attack a week earlier which killed 20 Christians in Nigeria. Asked whether he was "victim shaming" with the statement he gave after the attack, Anning said: "Whatever it looks like, all I'm saying is that I'm stating a fact. When you bring lots and lots of Muslims into a country, violence escalates, terrorist attacks escalate -- that's a fact. That's a fact. I mean, there's 52 countries in this world that used to be Christian, Hindu or Buddhist -- they're now Islamic states. And the only thing that's happening to the Christians, the Hindus and the Buddhists is they're being slaughtered by those people. I don't think the average Australian person wants that to happen in our country and I think it's a really good time to try and highlight the fact that this is the road we're going with."Asked about slapping Egg Boy, Anning said: "He got a slap across the face which is what his mother should have given him long ago. He's been misbehaving badly, so you know when somebody cracks you in the back of the head you react and defend yourself."Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab and Minds. |