Sen. Jim Inhofe Introduces Bill to Build Wall 'Paid for by Mexico'by SEAN MORANBreitbart Dec. 06, 2018 |
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Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK) told Breitbart News in an exclusive interview on Wednesday about his new legislation, the Wall Bill, which President Donald Trump tacitly endorsed. The bill would fully fund a wall on America’s southern border by cutting off illegal immigrants’ access to American welfare and tax credits. Inhofe told Breitbart News the bill would fully fund the border wall by cutting off illegal aliens’ access to welfare benefits and tax credits. He said the bill would fulfill President Trump’s promises to both fund and build his southern border wall and have Mexico, or Mexican illegal immigrants, pay for it. “Here’s the fun part: you’re taking the money out of people that are not entitled to something from this country, but there has been a lot of criticism of the president that it [the wall] is going to be paid for by Mexico. Well, this is. This is paid for by Mexicans or by foreigners who are in here fleecing our government,” Inhofe told Breitbart News. “So you can say to simplify it: it’s paid for by Mexicans because most of them who are coming in are coming even if they are not Mexicans, are coming through the Mexican border”:
The bill would stipulate that only Americans or legal immigrants with work-authorized Social Security numbers can claim child tax credits, earned income tax credits, and other tax credits. Current law states that only a child needs a Social Security number, not the parent receiving the child tax credit, creating a perverse incentive where illegal alien parents can earn tax credits that only Americans are supposed to utilize. Inhofe’s legislation would require that parents have a work-authorized Social Security number to receive the tax credits, meaning that only legal immigrants and American can receive the benefits. Inhofe’s legislation would disincentive illegal immigration by cutting off illegal aliens’ access to American welfare and tax benefits. Read More |