Midterms: 'A Staggering 36 Million People Have Voted Early,' Pollsters CluelessChris MenahanInformationLiberation Nov. 06, 2018 |
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Early voting turnout is massive and it's not clear who will come out on top, according to a new report. From Politico, "A staggering 36 million people have voted early, setting the stage for big midterm turnout": A staggering 36 million voters cast their ballots ahead of Election Day this year, setting the stage for much-higher-than-usual turnout for a midterm -- and, potentially, big surprises on Tuesday night.They go on to admit the pollsters have no idea how the election is going to turn out.
Ignore all the noise and just get to the polls and vote GOP. If you're voting for the first time, Google your town's Republican "sample ballot" and just copy it. If you have the time, do some research into the issues yourself. Keep in mind, Democrats are just going to be lured with taco trucks and bussed to the polls and told to vote Democrat down the line without the least bit of thought, so there's no reason to feel even the least bit intimidated or hesitant pulling the lever for the GOP even if you don't know all the issues. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook, Gab and Minds. |