How Not to Respond to Being Called a 'Horseface'...Chris MenahanInformationLiberation Oct. 16, 2018 |
Facebook's 'Free Speech' Overhaul 'Opened Season on Just About Every Topic Except One'
Report: MAGA 'Influencers' Are Being Paid to Promote Israel, Wind Farms, Weed Legalization And More
Trump Shares Video Saying Netanyahu Conned America Into War with Iraq and is Pushing War with Iran
Assad Advisor Tells Story of Syria's Fall, Suggests Putin 'Tricked' Assad And Left Him Out to Dry
Elon Musk Asks "What Am I Missing?" On Israel - Gets a Mouthful
Immediately bringing up the topic of "bestiality"...
It's amazing how Trump manages to outplay these idiots every time. The whole fake news media is now talking about Stormy Daniels, Michael Avenatti and Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren in the run-up to midterms. Hillary Clinton is somehow still their top spokesperson. Republicans meanwhile are talking about liberal mobs, the smearing of Judge Brett Kavanaugh and an active illegal invasion:
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