Tucker Carlson: 'Elizabeth Warren Has Appointed Herself The Head Of The #MeSioux Movement'

Chris Menahan
Oct. 15, 2018

The absolute madman Tucker Carlson dropped every pun in the book during an hysterically funny monologue Monday night on Fox News.

From Fox News Insider:
Tucker Carlson said Monday that with Sen. Elizabeth Warren's release of a political ad highlighting her small percentage of Native American heritage showed that "Fauxcahontas is on the warpath."

Carlson said that her announcement that she has between 1/64 and 1/1,024 Native American blood is another testament to how the left believes that "victimhood is power."
Carlson said that Warren (D-Mass.) is not enrolled in a tribe and that the Cherokee Nation blasted her DNA test as effectively a stunt.

"Count on her to keep pretending she's the spokeswoman for indigenous people everywhere. Warren has appointed herself the head of the #MeSioux movement," he said, playing a clip of Warren speaking at length about her test.
There's a lot more, watch the full clip above.

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