More Evidence Surfaces Calling Into Question Christine Ford's Alleged 'Fear Of Flying'

Chris Menahan
Sep. 27, 2018

Judge Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford managed to delay the Senate Judicial Committee's hearings by claiming she couldn't make it to Washington DC from California in a day because she's afraid to fly and needs to drive.

Ford's supposed fear of flying was called into question earlier this week after it was revealed she finished her PhD at the University of Hawaii, plotted to move to New Zealand after Trump's 2016 election win and said in her initial letter to Dianne Feinstein that she was "vacationing in the mid-Atlantic" on August 7th.

On Wednesday, her polygraph letter was finally released and was loaded with inconsistencies and self-corrections:

Interestingly, it also showed the location of the polygraph was performed at the Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport.

Remember, she said in her July 30 letter to Dianne Feinstein, "I am currently vacationing in the mid-Atlantic until August 7th and will be in California after August 10th."

It shouldn't be hard to find out if she's been flying around the country. Will Republicans even bother to ask?

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