Marines To Invade Newport In Urban Warfare Exercise

Newport News
Feb. 03, 2006

Prison Planet Comment: As we have previously documented, there is always a local press beforehand story assuring the residents that it's quite normal to see tanks and military helicopters patrolling their neighborhoods. This is about conditioning Americans to accept the abolition of Posse Comitatus for the future military takeover of law enforcement outlined by Bush following Hurricane Katrina. Alex Jones has attended numerous urban warfare drills where American citizens are herded into mock concentration camps as role players scream, "no I'm an American citizen, I have rights, you can't put me in the camp."

Newport News will be invaded later this month, so residents shouldn't be shocked to see a Humvee or two go past with weapons sticking out.

Or a big truck with men in uniforms.


They're on your side.

You're even free to visit with them if they stop.

The 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit is coming to Hampton Roads for training between Feb. 27 and March 12 in anticipation for deployment, probably to the Middle East.

"The largest part of the combat unit, the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, will be at Fort Eustis," said Capt. David Nevers on Thursday. "Part of their training is in urban warfare, so people shouldn't be surprised to see a vehicle go by their houses or a helicopter fly overhead."

Urban warfare training can include running vehicle checkpoints and patrolling neighborhoods.

The 24th also will train in Norfolk and Virginia Beach.

Nevers said the Marines would coordinate their off-post training with local police.

A Marine Expeditionary Unit includes a service and support unit, a helicopter unit, a command element and a reinforced infantry battalion of about 1,100 people.

In all, about 2,200 Marines constitute an MEU.

The 24th travels as part of the Iwo Jima Strike Group from Norfolk.

The unit was in Iraq for seven months last year and conducted similar training in Morgantown, W.Va., before that deployment.

This is part of a six-month training cycle between deployments and, though orders haven't been received by the Marines, Iraq is likely in their future.

"We have unfinished business over there, and we expect that's where we'll be needed most," unit commander Col. Ronald J. Johnson told The Associated Press.

"But we'll be ready for anything."

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