Patriot Prayer March In Portland, Antifa Mobilize For Violence, Attack Police, Throw 'Urine,' 'Feces' At MarchersChris MenahanInformationLiberation Aug. 04, 2018 |
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Right-wing Patriot Prayer marchers are holding a lawful protest in Portland today and antifa goons are openly mobilizing for violence. CNN has been busy demonizing the group as racist neo-nazis and praising antifa to help justify antifa carrying out offensive violence to shut down the march. Both sides are armed, but only antifa is trying to stop the Patriot Prayer group from holding a legal and lawful march.
Antifa attacked police with rocks and allegedly threw urine and feces at Patriot Prayer marchers. Black-clad antifa goons were filmed stealing a man's American flag and hitting him in the head with a stick when he resisted:
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