Nunes: DOJ, FBI 'Banking' On Republicans Losing Midterms to Escape Investigations

Chris Menahan
Jul. 19, 2018

Devin Nunes said Wednesday on Fox News that the leadership at the FBI and Department of Justice are "banking on a loss by the Republicans in the fall" so they can escape the investigations into their potentially criminal conduct.

From Fox News:
Asked by Sean Hannity whether the FBI and DOJ were "stonewalling" congressional investigators in the hopes that Democrats would take control of the House in November, Nunes suggested that might be a possibility.

"It's the oldest trick in the book," Nunes said. "We are getting a very slow snail-pace cooperation that is clearly designed to wait until next week when Congress adjourns.
"I have news for them. They are still going to have to come in and give depositions," Nunes added. "They may think they are not going to, but they are going to be coming in and getting depositions throughout the summer."

He added: "They would love to see Republicans lose. I hate to say that, but I have to believe that the Department of Justice and FBI, the people at leadership, they are banking on a loss by the Republicans in the fall."

If Democrats take over the House in November, "they're going to drop all of this investigation -- they're not going to do anything on this investigation," Nunes charged.
On Tuesday, former FBI director James Comey outright begged his followers to get out and vote for Democrats:

Comey, Brennan, Rosenstein et al. are freaking out over the prospect they'll be held accountable for their crimes. We need a red wave for the midterms and a blue wave of tears.

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