BBC Helps 'Black Studies' Prof Claim West Is 'Built On Racism', Call For 'Revolution'JACK MONTGOMERYBreitbart Jul. 11, 2018 |
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BBC Newsnight has given a self-styled 'black radical' free rein to insist that the West is "built on racism" and black people should unite to secure reparations and stage a "revolution". Kehinde Andrews, who was appointed Britain's first ever professor of 'black studies' at the publicly-funded Birmingham City University, was invited to the publicly-funded broadcaster's flagship news programme to speak to Emily Maitlis about his new book, Back to Black: Retelling Black Radicalism for the 21st Century. The academic appears to be a favourite of the media giant, having also been filmed for a BBC 3 segment in which he argued the English flag should be scrapped — in part because he believes the English were "flying this flag during the Crusades, and going around through Muslim countries trying to convert them" — just last month, and for another Newsnight segment in which he argued British sports stars should "take a knee or clench a fist" during the British national anthem" because the country's flag represents "oppression" last October.
A friendly Maitlis began by asking Andrews: "What does black radicalism insist on, at its core?" "Well, it's two things," the academic replied. "One, is the unity of all people of African descent, both in the African continent and across the diaspora, and the second one is understanding that racism is in the DNA of this system and no reform or no legislation can change that, and nothing short of revolution can bring freedom to black people." Read More |