Caputo's Claims of Second Trump Campaign Informant Challenged

By Jake Gibson, Judson Berger
Fox News
May. 23, 2018

Former Trump campaign aide Michael Caputo tells Laura Ingraham that at least one additional government 'informant' attempted to infiltrate the Trump campaign.

Former Trump adviser Michael Caputo's suggestion that a second government informant may have been snooping on the president's 2016 campaign came into question overnight, as two other individuals involved in the flagged discussions downplayed their role.

Caputo had told Fox News, in two televised interviews, that he was approached in 2016, likening the situation to revelations that another government informant made contacts with several other Trump advisers in the early stages of the Russia probe.

Caputo told Neil Cavuto Tuesday on "Your World" that he was approached in early May 2016 by an intermediary "who had been talking to a government official" looking to connect with the Trump campaign -- purportedly to hand off Hillary Clinton-related emails.

But when contacted by Fox News, the individual who supplied the information -- a government contractor -- denied having ever contracted for an intelligence agency and downplayed the interaction as "cocktail party talk about where to go do opposition research." The individual claimed to have gotten the information in question after meeting with an NSA contractor who shared information about a purported email depicting 'pay-for-play' between the Clinton Global Initiative and State Department.

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