Local Law Enforcement: 'No Known Ties' Between School Shooter & Republic Of Florida Militia GroupChris MenahanInformationLiberation Feb. 15, 2018 |
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According to a new report from the Tallahassee Democrat, local law enforcement say they've found "no known ties" between the Republic of Florida white nationalist militia group and school shooter Nikolas Cruz. From the Tallahassee Democrat: Local law enforcement sources have not found a connection between accused Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz and a Tallahassee-based paramilitary group. Hours after news outlets around the nation reported Cruz's alleged ties, Leon County Sheriff’s Office Lt. Grady Jordan told the Tallahassee Democrat investigative work did not yield any connections.The AP reports that Lt. Grady Jordan "said his office has 'very solid' information on the [ROF] and 'there's no known ties that we have that we can connect' 19-year-old Nikolas Cruz with the group." The ADL said in their press release they used the anonymous, troll-filled message board 4chan as their initial source.
Jereb is claiming on his Gab that it was a "misunderstanding" because they have "MULTIPLE people named Nicholas" in their group. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook and Gab. |