Report: School Shooting Suspect Was Member Of White Nationalist Group [Updated]Chris MenahanInformationLiberation Feb. 15, 2018 |
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This is going to set the narrative. UPDATE: Local Law Enforcement: 'No Known Ties' Between School Shooter & Republic Of Florida Militia Group From RT: Leader of Republic of Florida, a local white nationalist group, has confirmed that the suspect in the Florida school shooting was member of his organization, AP reports.Identitarian is a word, I'm not sure why they put a "sic" on it. It doesn't matter that they say it was over girl problems and the shooting happened on Valentine's Day, it doesn't matter other students said he was mentally ill, the left is going to shamelessly and ruthlessly exploit this tragedy to bludgeon their political enemies. This is how The Daily Beast is reporting the news: They've also shared these YouTube comments from someone similarly named "Nikolas Cruz" saying, "fuck antifa i wish to kill as many as i can." Here's an interview from 2017 with Jordan Jereb who LARPs as a militiaman on Twitter (Update: Twitter just deleted his account):
As I reported earlier, the FBI was tipped off to someone named "Nikolas Cruz" on YouTube writing, "I'm going to be a professional school shooter" in a comment section. The FBI claimed they "conducted database reviews" and "checks" but were "unable to further identify the person who made the comment." They did not say they subpoenaed his IP address which they likely could have easily used to track him down.
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