Julian Assange Promises "A Lot More Material" Coming on US Election

Chris Menahan
Jul. 28, 2016

Julian Assange has promised "a lot more material" is coming on the US elections.

Rather than simply dump all the data they've received all at once like they did with the Manning leaks, Wikileaks is following the Greenwald model of releasing it in a slow trickle to completely dominate the news cycle.

This is absolutely spectacular.

From RT:
WikiLeaks possesses “a lot more” documents to surprise American voters ahead of the upcoming presidential elections - and will not hesitate to make them public.

The leak of 20,000 internal emails from the Democratic National Committee (DNC), published by the whistleblowing website on July 22 “is having so much political impact in the United States,” Julian Assange acknowledged to CNN in a Skype interview on Tuesday.

Speaking to America’s primary media outlet from the safety of Ecuadorian embassy in London, the WikiLeaks founder refused to disclose the source of the leaked batch of DNC emails, particularly avoiding denial or to confirmation of alleged Russian involvement, much talked about by Hillary Clinton’s campaign headquarters. He explained his lack of responsiveness by an obligation to protect WikiLeaks’ information sources.

“Perhaps one day the source or sources will step forward and that might be an interesting moment. Some people may have egg on their faces,” Assange said. “But to exclude certain actors is to make it easier to find out who our sources are. So we never do it.”

The famous whistleblower said that Hillary Clinton’s aides are focusing public’s attention on the unsubstantiated “Russian trail” in the delicate situation they had found themselves in. This is instead of trying to address the principle issue of the DNC email scandal: roughly plotting against rival Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders. The hacked letters cover the period from January to late May this year.

“What we have right now is the Hillary Clinton campaign using a speculative allegation about hacks that have occurred in the past to try and divert attention from our emails, another separate issue that WikiLeaks has published,” Assange said.

“I think this raises a very serious question, which is that the natural instincts of Hillary Clinton and the people around her, that when confronted with a serious domestic political scandal, that she tries to blame the Russians, blame the Chinese, etc.,” Assange noted.

"If she does that when she’s in government, that’s a political, managerial style that can lead to conflict,” he concluded.
Here's his interview with CNN, it's three minutes straight of a Clinton News Network propagandist spewing the Clinton line Russia was behind the leak and trying to get Assange to say something which can be twisted to support Clinton's "ZOMG Russian conspiracy" narrative.

He doesn't bite.

Yesterday, Wikileaks released some scandalous voice mails showing how Democratic National Committee officials bumped a cancer patient from sitting next to Obama after he was beat out by a bigger donor:

If Trump wins, we need to demand this brave hero be given asylum in the US.

This man is literally wanted for having sex with the Swedish equivalents of Mattress Girl. The initial prosecutor on his case dismissed the rape charges entirely and dropped his arrest warrant. They were only brought back on appeal, no doubt after the "right authorities" applied the "right amount of pressure."

While Swedish authorities will allow their nation to be flooded with rapefugees by the hundreds of thousands and actively cover up their rapes, they want to prosecute Assange on the flimsiest of charges.

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