Are We, the People, the Enemy?

American Chronicle
Jan. 24, 2006

Well, our "elected" are certainly not listening to us, and that is quite a dilemma. For the last several years, every time I wrote to Congress and expressed my concerns for things like the Patriot Act, CAFTA, the Endangered Species Act, etc., I get responses that 1) don’t address any of the points I made in my letters, and 2) I am told in no uncertain terms why the Patriot Act, CAFTA, and other legislation will be (and was) supported. One of my reps actually had the nerve to say that CAFTA was needed to be fair to the Third World. What about the world of the American family and the world that you are paid to represent?

I’ve seen at least 100 letters from reps, which circulate on the Internet, also proving that we are not being listened to and our opinions not taken into account. I think it is clear to say that government by the people has become a cliché, for it is certainly not a point of fact or law anymore. Our elected are demonstrating a regime change mentality in action and deed. Let’s look at some facts:

* Anti-American and anti-Constitution legislation is regularly hidden/buried.

* Mis-named legislation further hides anti-American, anti-liberty agendas (New Freedom Initiative, for example).

* Most new federal laws and Executive Orders are now a direct result of U.N. Agenda 21.

* Most new federal laws and Executive Orders are now a direct result of centralizing power around the mandates of the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, environmental “non-profits,” and the United Nations.

* Most legislation now attempts to eliminate Constitutional rights.

* Many bills are now written in preparation of what is clearly a coming Police State, which speaks volumes to the notion of pre-planned catastrophe and crisis.

* Decades of presidential Executive Orders have defined the rules, regulations, and hierarchy of a highly defined Police State and Martial Law system, which again speaks to pre-conceived knowledge of impending catastrophe or crisis – most written prior to 2001.

* 30+ years of meetings held in foreign countries to lay out the game plan for global corporate governance.

* Think tanks and global elites planning the future of the United States without the knowledge, consent, or vote of the American people.

* Pharmaceutical companies given legislated invasion powers over the future of American children and over the authority of parenthood.

* The U.N. Agenda 21, environmental “non-profits,” and international corporations dictating all American public school curriculum.

* The U.N. Agenda 21, environmental organizations, and international think tanks redefining and writing a new and global AND enforced religion.

* Global governmental collection of DNA samples and legislated DNA databases.

* Governmentally enforced open borders and illegal immigration.

* Governmentally enforced partnership-stakeholding bureaucracy, whereby eliminating voting power and elected representation.

* Purposeful legislation and Executive Orders that criminalize the right to dissent.

* The clear and present danger of representatives who are not listening to or representing the will of the American people.

* The clear and present danger of the American military being forced into 50+ years of foreign service, whereby removing our military from the American homeland.

* Legislated rights given to “corporation,” while eliminating Constitutional rights of the people.

* Dismantling the United States Constitution without the opinion, consent, knowledge, or vote of the American people.

And these are just a few of the facts – the ones that are obvious. God only knows what is hidden and on the burner. It would appear that we are living amidst a renegade and conquering system, and so my question is this – what happens when they (not us) pass the Patriot Act II? Will the millions who have spoken out against this renegade system be jailed? Will our computers be confiscated? Will our ability to drive a car and to have mobility rights be denied in 2008 when the Real ID system is enforced?

Will we be denied jobs, paychecks, food and water? What is in store for all those who stood up for the Constitution of the United States, for freedom, and for their rights? Who will live in America’s detention camps?

What will happen to the people who refuse to allow the United States of America to be dismantled and globalized under a one world global government? What will happen to Quaker and Mennonite families who refuse to participate and serve in foreign armies? What will happen to conscientious objects that refuse to serve under the U.N.?

What will happen to American parents who refuse to allow the public-private partnerships of government, such as the public school system, and big pharma to force drugs into their children? Are American citizens to be jailed for fighting for the survival of their nation, or are we to sit quietly by while we are openly, brazenly, conquered from within? Will a largely senior citizen movement, who worked to expose insider devotion to a regime change, be arrested as traitors to a global government?

We have all wondered about these issues. We have all talked about these questions. Perhaps it is time to put these questions to our representatives and to our President. Does disagreeing with their legislation, which is not the will of the people, mean that we have become terrorists, as John Ashcroft once boldly stated? Are the people of the United States of America the enemy of our so-called representative government? And is there any elected official in the United States of America willing to answer these questions?

Sadly, the answer to that question is no, they will not. Do tell...

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