Why I Didn't Post This 'BBC Trader' Video

Chris | InformationLiberation
Sep. 28, 2011

UPDATE: "Instead of operating from a plush office in Canary Wharf Mr Rastani works and lives with his partner Anita Eader in a £200,000 semi in Bexleyheath, south London. The house, complete with a mortgage from Royal Bank of Scotland, belongs to her not him.

He is a business owner, a 99pc shareholder in public speaking venture Santoro Projects. Its most recent accounts show cash in the bank of £985. After four years trading net assets are £10,048 - in the red."
- The UK Telegraph

Sure enough... I don't know why people go for this stuff. - Chris

I didn't post this video yesterday because, frankly, I found it uninteresting. The guy doesn't give any specific recommendations outside of "bonds," probably the most overvalued asset class in the world right now. He reminds me a lot of Robert Kiyosaki, and sure enough, he says he is not a trader but an "investment speaker." Nonetheless, the video has gone super viral, I guess people like vague generalities for some reason. Personally, I prefer people who speak their mind honestly and directly like Peter Schiff, Marc Faber, Jim Rogers and Doug Casey. When people speak only in vague generalities, they tend to be hucksters who have no clue what they're talking about, when you hammer them for specifics they fall apart. See my comments here about Robert Kiyosaki.

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