Can Doctor Doom call the ups as well as the downs?

May. 18, 2011

The high profile investment analyst and economist Marc Faber earned the ‘Doctor Doom’ soubriquet after being one of the few investors to foresee the financial crisis and the extent of the ensuing fallout.

The Swiss national is a long-standing and regular commentator in the media having initially rose to prominence back in 1987 when he told his clients to sell out of equities a week before October crash.

Although he is sanguine about the difficulty of timing the market- he branded his call that year ‘accidental’- he has cemented his reputation over the last decade by also accurately calling the rise of Asia, the decline of the dollar and the commodity boom. Here we put the recent predictions of the founder of Marc Faber Ltd and author of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report newletter to the test.

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