The "Reason" the Fascist Fuzz Murdered That Dog

David Kramer, LRC Blog
Jun. 22, 2010

As a follow-up to an earlier post I wrote about some Fascist Fuzz murdering a leashed dog, the Fascist Fuzz shot the dog because:

“The police were responding to a complaint that the dog growled at a seven-year-old girl on her way to school. Another neighbor testified in court that the dog had chased her husband.” [If every dog that growled at someone walking by or chased after someone were shot to death, there would be very few dogs left in this country.]

“A court hearing was held last week over the shooting, in which the dog’s owner, Marcus Mays, was fined $50 for failure to register a dog with the city and $100 for failure to have a leash or muzzle on a vicious animal.” [The dog is on a leash. It's actually being quite docile for most of the video; it's trying to figure out what is going on. Watch the video again. That Fascist Fuzz is a MURDERER. Period.]

“Mays isn’t exactly a sympathetic dog owner. He owns three other pit bulls and a bull mastiff.” [Pit bulls are NOT automatically vicious dogs--another Establishment lie.] “In 2007 he pleaded guilty to animal abuse and agreed not to own any animals for two years.” [If he's abusing dogs, then shoot him--not the dogs. (I'm only half-kidding here.)]

[Thanks to Jason Gonella for sending me this follow-up article.]

UPDATE: Here’s an even better video of what happened--including the murderer petting the dog earlier on!!! By the way, you can see even more vividly in this video how docile the dog was until the murderer started annoying the dog with the pole.

[Thanks to Jim S. for sending me this]

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