The Job-Killing Impact of Minimum Wage Laws

Jun. 15, 2010

Minimum wage is a form of economic warfare and social engineering. If you can keep people out of the work force and get them dependent on welfare you create a massive voting bloc who will vote for an oppressive, thieving, wealth redistributing, criminal government. Of course the majority of the loot this government steals will go into its own coffers, only the leftover scraps will be thrown to the dependent plebs. - Chris
Minimum wage laws seem like a good idea, but arbitrarily mandating a certain wage can have terrible consequences. This CF&P Foundation mini-documentary reveals that business are not charities, so if the minimum wage is set above the market level, this eliminates job opportunities -- particularly for the less fortunate members of society. Since employees and employers should have freedom of contract, the right minimum wage is zero.

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