Police Recruit Internet Cafe Owners To Spy On Users

Owners to snoop on visits to “extremist websites” as part of growing Nazi-fication of UK
Paul Joseph Watson

Prison Planet
Mar. 25, 2010

As part of the lurching advance towards the kind of society that we thought had been consigned to the darkest days of the 20th century, the Nazi-fication of Britain continues with the news that the police are working with Internet cafe owners to spy on users who visit “extremist websites”.

“The intitative is part of the Prevent strand of the government’s counter-terrorism strategy, which aims to stop radicalisation by winning the “battle of ideas”. Cafe owners are asked to use their own judgement as to what amounts to extremist material,” reports the Register.

Of course, since British police are also training the public that using cash, closing your curtains or enjoying your privacy is a potential hallmark of terrorism, the definition of “extremist material” will undoubtedly include anti-establishment political websites like the one you are reading right now.

Indeed, major transportation hubs in Britain such as London St. Pancras already censor Prison Planet.com and even mildly political websites, protecting their users from accessing “extremist” information that dares to question the motives of our illustrious leaders and the real agenda behind their war on terror.

Arun Kundnani of the Institute of Race Relations described the initiative as “dangerous”.

“It… potentially criminalises people for accessing material that is legal but which expresses religious and political opinions that police officers find unacceptable,” he said.

And that’s precisely the point. Creating a chilling atmosphere where people are afraid to express dissent, or merely read about other people expressing dissent, for fear of being labeled a terrorist and shopped to their local bobby by the dutiful thought police.

Using Internet cafe owners to spy on their users’ browsing habits is just one offshoot of the gigantic program undertaken by MI5 to train 60,000 UK citizens as a civilian network of terrorist spotters.

As we reported last year, staff at rail networks, at airports, shopping centers, public buildings, hotels and sports venues have been trained by MI5 and the police to watch for "suspicious behavior" and report it to the authorities.

As America and Britain sink deeper into militarized police states, society begins to parallel more and more aspects of Nazi Germany, especially in the context of citizens being turned against each other, which in turn creates a climate of fear and the constraining sense that one is always being watched.

One common misconception about Nazi Germany was that the police state was solely a creation of the authorities and that the citizens were merely victims. On the contrary, Gestapo files show that 80% of all Gestapo investigations were started in response to information provided by denunciations by "ordinary" Germans.

"There were relatively few secret police, and most were just processing the information coming in. I had found a shocking fact. It wasn't the secret police who were doing this wide-scale surveillance and hiding on every street corner. It was the ordinary German people who were informing on their neighbors," wrote Robert Gellately of Florida State University.

Gellately discovered that the people who informed on their neighbors were motivated primarily by banal factors -- "greed, jealousy, and petty differences," and not by a genuine concern about crime or insecurity.

Gellately "found cases of partners in business turning in associates to gain full ownership; jealous boyfriends informing on rival suitors; neighbors betraying entire families who chronically left shared bathrooms unclean or who occupied desirable apartments."

"And then there were those who informed because for the first time in their lives someone in authority would listen to them and value what they said."

Gellately emphasizes the fact that the Germans who sicked the authorities on their neighbors knew very well what the consequences for the victims would be -- families torn apart, torture and internment in concentration camps, and ultimately in many cases death -- but they still did it with few qualms because the rewards of financial bounties and mere convenience were deemed more important to them.

There can no longer be any doubt that Muslims and political dissidents are the new Jews. Anyone who dares to speak truth is now instantly marginalized by the establishment as a crazy conspiracy theorist or a dangerous extremist.

Governments have feverishly exploited staged terror attacks such as 9/11 and the 7/7 bombings to launch a purge against society’s malcontents in order to eliminate the only roadblocks to their agenda, just as Hitler did after his own adjutants burned down the Reichstag.

They have gone about this by creating an army of tattle-tale informants eager to spy on and report people in their own community under the delusion that they are carrying out a patriotic duty, when in reality they are laying the groundwork for a repeat of the horrors that historically follow when the state is successful in setting the people against each other on such a massive scale.

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