School children to be 'locked in' at lunch time to make them eat school dinners

The Daily Mail
Sep. 06, 2007

When Jamie Oliver launched his crusade to make school dinners healthier the only complaints seemed to come from pupils who fled in droves to their local chip shops.

But one council has come up with an innovative solution to the problem - lock the youngsters in at lunchtime. Under plans being drawn up in Wales, children could be shut in to force them to eat healthy dinners. Gates at seven secondary schools would be locked to prevent the daily exodus of children who go to chip shops and burger joints for lunch. Education chiefs in Denbighshire, North Wales, are frustrated that pupils have rejected the healthy menus they introduced last year. They hope that, by locking the school gates, youngsters will have no choice but to use the school canteen and eat something nutritious. The controversial plan won the support of Jamie Oliver yesterday. He said: "Kids should be kept on the school premises at lunchtime, so it will be interesting to see how the Denbighshire situation progresses." In Jamie's School Dinners - broadcast in 2005 - the chef exposed the scandal of cheap and fatty school meals.

He said cut-price food was creating obese and unhealthy children. Locking pupils in at lunchtime is one of a number of options being considered by the council. However, schools would have the final say on whether to keep children in school during the dinner hour. The decision to let pupils leave school at lunchtime is generally made by heads and governing bodies.

Many secondary schools allow sixth-formers to leave school for lunch as long as they return in good time for afternoon lessons. A spokesman for Denbighshire Council said it was hoped that the policy would "ensure pupils are given a healthy food option". He said: "Schools and the council have a duty of care towards its pupils throughout the school day, including lunchtimes, and this policy would look at only allowing those with parental consent to leave school for lunch."

The council says pupils were not taking up healthy options with 40 per cent more children eating school dinners when fast food was served. Up to 400,000 pupils across the UK had deserted school dinners since the campaign to improve lunches began, according to figures published this week. Last year, mothers began a delivery service through the playground fence at a school in Rotherham.

They offered fish and chips, hamburgers and fizzy drinks to youngsters bored with the school's healthy menu. Eleri Jones, headmistress at Ysgol Brynhyfryd in Ruthin, said the school would consider the Denbighshire plan for younger children. Older pupils would still be allowed out because of their need for independence, she added.

A report on the plan goes before the county's resources scrutiny committee today. But one parent said: "You can't lock the gates at lunchtime. It will be like a red rag to a bull and there will be mass breakouts of kids desperate to get their hands on crisps, chips and fizzy drinks."

Bright classrooms can lead children to misbehave, study reveals

Fluorescent lights can hamper learning and cause pupils to misbehave, according to research published today.

The lights create an imperceptible flicker which causes headaches and impairs concentration, claim Cambridge University researchers.

Interactive whiteboards which are used with overhead projectors add to the problem by reflecting light into children's eyes, the study found. Nine out of ten classrooms are too bright, researchers will tell the British Educational Research Association conference in London.

Excessive lighting can make it harder for pupils to read accurately and teachers may also notice an increase in "off-task" behaviour, their study warns.

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