One in four adults say books aren't for them.

Aug. 20, 2005

Victoria Beckham says she has never read a book in her life. It's a common trait - one in four adults say books aren't for them.

"I haven't read a book in my life," the ex-Spice Girl has told a Spanish journalist. "I haven't got enough time. I prefer to listen to music, although I do love fashion magazines."

Posh is not alone in her rejection of books. For every three Britons with their noses in a bestseller, there's one adult in the UK who does not read books at all.

Research by the Office for National Statistics, commissioned by the National Reading Campaign in 2001, found a quarter of adults had not read a book in the previous 12 months. The figure rose to almost half among males aged 16-24.

This is despite soaring book sales - up 19% in the UK in the five years to 2004.

This rejection of books is not connected to literacy - the number of adults with reading difficulties has decreased by two million in the past decade to about five million.

Julia Strong, director of the government-funded National Reading Campaign, says reading habits are formed early.

"Children copy what they see and if you don't come from a reading home, or haven't been read to as a child, there's a much stronger chance you won't read yourself."

Others may be simply short of time.

"There are so many other claims on people's time. Most people, when they come home from a day's work, do not think, 'Oh, goody, I want to read a book now.' They just want to relax [in front of the TV]."

Nor does she believe nerdy "bookworm" stereotypes put people off reading.

"I think that's just a defence mechanism used by people who are not very good at reading. Teenagers often quit reading for a bit around the age of 14 but that's more to do with the whole growing-up process."

Concentration game

Those who find reading hard work can find that it hampers their enjoyment of books. Like Mrs Beckham, West Sussex builder Dave Rhodes cannot recall ever reading a whole book - even at school.

His preferred reading material is magazines about caravans.

"I read them because that's the thing I'm interested in but I would never consider reading a whole book. My dad used to read newspapers, though I can't remember my mother reading, or either of them ever reading to me.

"My wife reads and my kids read. But I find I can't really take books in. I can read so much but then when I go back to it I've forgotten what I've already read about. I think it's a concentration problem."

Many cite bad experiences with "boring" school books.

Rob Cox, 51, a technical manager for an oil industry environmental association, says as a child, he read two or three books a week: "The Secret Seven and the Famous Five and more serious stuff like Aesop's Fables. But having set texts for my O-levels took some of the pleasure out of it."

He now only reads on holiday, and finds even that a chore. "It's just that it requires a lot of effort - though it potentially gives you more enjoyment."

Not even long hours commuting into London from Berkshire can tempt him into reading.

"I just find that life is better than fiction. I travel a lot, visiting so many places and meeting so many strange and interesting people that I find books a bit pedestrian."

What would people like Posh, Dave and Rob get out of reading? Books open the door to great stories from through the ages, says Ms Strong.

"[Reading] opens doors to creativity and understanding and is vital for self-esteem and fulfilment. And if life is just flicking through magazines, it's a sad reflection of humanity."

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