Bohemian Grove Employee Blows the Whistle on Inside Events

Prison Planet
Sep. 29, 2005

You can download Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove for free here (694MB)Yesterday Alex Jones was joined on air by a guest who worked inside Bohemian Grove and got up close and personal with the macabre rituals of the elite and their homosexual tendencies. These new revelations have been heard nowhere else.

"Kyle" has worked at the Grove for their Spring Jinx for the "neophytes", the newcomers or outsiders, and for the official fifteen day Summer encampment festival.

The Grove is a private 2,700 acre redwood retreat on the Russian River in Sonoma County, California. Described as the "Greatest Men's Party on Earth," the members of the Bohemian Club and international elites have been gathering in their redwoods for over 100 years. Regular visitors include the Bushes, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, Newt Gingrich, whilst past luminaries have included Former Presidents Regan and Nixon, together BEFORE they had even taken office.

The most famous ritual that occurs at the Grove every year is the Symbolic Pagan Worship of Molech–the ‘god’ of Child Sacrifice. A bound effigy is burned in a "Cremation of Care" ceremony under a 40ft Stone Owl. Remember that political figureheads from around the world attend this sacrifice ceremony. German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt wrote of his fondness for the Grove ceremonies in his Biography "Men and Power". If your neighbours were doing this in their back yard wouldn't you be slightly concerned? These people are making decisions that have global repercussions.

The Camp at the Grove is riddled with imagery of death, sacrifice, skulls and Owls, as is the Club's Headquarters in San Francisco.

This all sounds bizarre and incredible, you couldn't make it up. Yet we have seen again and again how elite figures are obsessed with these kinds of activities. We have a full archive and Alex has infiltrated and made a full length feature film on the occult rituals that take place on an annual basis at the elite hideaway at the Bohemian Grove.

There are many offshoots of the Bohemian Club, The most famous US branch is the "Brotherhood of Death" known as Skull and Bones, members of which include Both Bushes and recent Democratic nominee John kerry.

In the past members have bragged about how far reaching plans are hatched and policies set within the grove, such as the Star Wars defense initiative and the Manhattan Project.

"Kyle" went on record as saying he witnessed Colin Powell, Justice Clarance Thomas, Governor of New Mexico Bill Richardson all in attendance at this year's encampment.

The most honored guests reside in one of 119 camps known as Mandalay and rarely venture down to the dining circle of the Grove. Even other Grove members are not allowed to go near this camp without an invitation.

"Kyle" entered the Grove, without knowing anyone else in there, after an interview at the Grove in April. Immediately he took the chance to sneak around by driving in beyond the security gate which was at the time unattended. At this point the security was not overwhelming as there were no luminaries inside.

"Kyle" then described driving up to the lake area and getting a close up view of the 40ft Stone Owl.

Upon returning to begin work at the annual "Spring Jinx" "Kyle" witnessed the extensive use of biometric scanning equipment. Employees now have to hand scan to gain entry and to leave the Grove. It seems that security has been stepped up since Alex Jones infiltrated over five years ago. The members are able to forego this scanning and simply have ID cards.

Alex snook in through the undergrowth before the main entrance to the grove. "Kyle" stated that there are now motion sensors all over that area to prevent any new would-be intruders.

"Kyle" described how the employees at the Grove are segregated in separate areas and have to wear different color coded badges.

He then went on to describe how as one of the younger men in there, he was approached numerous times by men in their 50s, 60s and 70s and asked if he "slept around".

We have previously exposed how members of the grove have both male and female prostitutes and even gay porn stars flown in for the Summer camp. Former President Richard Nixon is on record questioning the activities at the Grove, making reference to the debase, decadent attitude as well as the homosexual activity there.

"Kyle" went on to reveal how as well as containing lots of Satanic themed imagery, the Grove is also very Pagan in nature. There is a large statue of the Godess Diana, the main Circle is named Diana, there are buses named Diana, Old Druid and hamadryad (From Greek/Roman mythology - A wood nymph who lives only as long as the tree of which she is the spirit lives or a King Cobra) which is one of the high priests in the Cremation of Care ceremony.

Cremation Of Care Ceremony

"Kyle" described how he managed to find the building in which garb for the main Cremation of Care ceremony was housed. He filmed inside with his small camera with two hands but was so on edge that you can see he is physically shaking.

"Kyle" described how he saw multiple "effigies" for use in the Cremation of Care Ceremony in addition to the one inside the Hollow Stone Owl. There is a body that they drive in on a hearse, one that is rowed across the lake by the grim reaper and a third that is burned in the Molech Owl.

He also described how prior to the ceremony he managed to get inside the Owl and witnessed electrical equipment presumably for use during the ceremony for fireworks or to light the fire and burn the effigy.

According to "Kyle" the Cremation of Care ceremony has altered only slightly since Alex caught it on video. There were some new effects and a different voice over for "care". Previously the voice had been reported as Walter Kronkite, yet "Kyle" reported that Kronkite, one of the "Hillbillies" along with the Bushes was there but was not in good health.

"Kyle" has managed to get around five hours of video and 50 photos in the Grove with the use of a pen camera. This footage will be included in a re-release of Alex's Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove. The first showing of this will be at the Downtown Alamo Drafthouse in Austin on the 9th of October, with a follow up the day after.

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