Haroon Aswat…FBI agent threatens former USDA federal agent, now staff reporter for The New Criminologist.

The New Criminologist
Sep. 26, 2005

Haroon Aswat – the man British Police believe was behind the London bombings – was working for MI6, it has been confirmed by leading U.S. and French intelligence asset/agents.

Now an FBI agent in Seattle – name removed for security reasons, but can be published at the drop of a hat – has demanded that former USDA federal agent, Dr Janette Parker, stop talking to the British media about how the FBI obstructed their own top terrorism investigator, John O’Neill in his enquiries.

Dr Parker, who worked alongside O’Neill, although not in an official capacity’ is fearful of her life.

“Janet is a highly-professional and honest person. She is very brave,” says Christopher Berry-Dee, publisher of TNC. “But, now the cat is out of the bag, and we have ensured that she will be protected by circulating her information to leading British newspapers and the media.”

Dr Parker writes: “The American press can be silenced but not the British press. MI-5 and MI-6 and not happy about the intelligence failure on the American side of the Atlantic, especially withholding information about Haroon Aswat’s intention for additional bombings and his fund raising in Seattle area in March 2002 (after 911).”

Haroon Aswat is the primary suspect as the mastermind of the London Bombings 7/7. The FBI can assert that Haroon was not in Seattle on March 6, 2002, but British intelligence had him under close surveillance and they know whether he was in England or not.

Dr Parker, who is supported by many other FBI agents and John Loftus (see: http://www.newcriminologist.co.uk/news.asp?id=1124824797) adds: “You can fool some of the people some of the time, all the people some of the time but not all the people all of the time.”

By trying to discredit Dr Parker, she claims:

“The effort of the FBI to hide their own internal problems has now made it impossible for me to expose the corruption and fraudulent documents at the University of Washington Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. There were 40 doctors involved and 8 departments. Two doctors pled guilty to Medicaid billing fraud and obstruction of justice charges. The FBI had been conducting an investigation into the medical billing fraud but did not get indictments against them.”

In verified documents, sent to TNC and the British media, Dr Parker’s explosive investigative results cover far-ranging matters, from terrorist training camps, money laundering for the extreme Islamic terror campaigns, FBI cover-ups, prostitution and brutal homicide, threats to her own welfare, physical abuse and intimidation, to include possible phone taps and email interception.

With the events, unfolding in Chicago, (see: http://www.newcriminologist.co.uk/news.asp?id=1529297048 ) even a blind man can see that the current U.S. administration is rotten thru-and-thru, and this corruption has long spread to the UK – where British citizens should be demanding of Prime Minister Blair why SIS/MI6 was using Haroon Aswat as an agent, and why, as John Loftus claims, was Aswat – who was on the British security services ‘Watch List’, allowed to leave the UK, when the British Police were desperately searching for him?

Pinning down Aswat’s movements – as all of the movements of the London Bombers – prior to the bombings is crucial, claim New Scotland Yard.

“Dr Parker’s information IS crucial,” says TNC. “Her knowledge of Special Agent John Neill’s work in counter-terrorism, could make her a very valuable asset if the Met really mean what they say.”

The 911 disaster ( of course the U.S. emergency services hotline number) could have been prevented, as could have the London Bombings.

As a deeply embedded intelligence source recently told TNC:

“Bush and Blair are just puppets. Their strings are tugged by money, corruption, ego, by the Intel services. You don’t even want to know the truth.”

In a chilling observation, our source, who has been verified as having carried out executions on behalf of H.M. Government, and MI6, and a man who has served 25-years for terrorism offenses, added:

“The Northern Ireland Bank Robbery…the Dublin Art theft…the stealing of millions of pounds of UK Government Bonds – two in the name of Mark Thatcher – has all been covered up…MI6 would order me to commit murder, then the SAS would try and shoot me because I knew too much.”

“International terrorism is VERY BIG business,” our source confirmed. “The U.S. and UK trade in terrorism like it is some kind of off-the-shelf commodity. Forget the destruction of lives to normal people, women and children. I have been there and done it all. Your Dr Parker has done the right thing. Like me she is cladding herself with insurance – like a Kevlar jacket, and I wish her all the best.”

In a strange twist, an FBI agent emailed TNC, saying: “We wish you all good luck, and I personally hope that something good comes out of all of this.”

The people of the U.S. should be very proud of Dr Parker. And those of us who are concerned about terrorism in the UK should salute her.

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