Path to 9/11 Obscures Real Terror Network

By Kurt Nimmo
Sep. 12, 2006

Thankfully, the “docudrama,” the Path to 9/11, thought to be a documentary by some people—likely to the glee of neocons, especially former Marxist David Horowitz—has come and gone, or at least half of it has. Now we are roiling in the political aftermath.

It is said a scene was excised “docudramatizing” Clinton’s National Security Adviser Sandy Berger allowing Osama bin Laden to get a do not go to jail (or Gitmo) card, although it is not reported if the “miniseries” contains a scene portraying Berger filching upward to fifty classified documents from the National Archives reading room prior to testifying before the Bush nine eleven whitewash commission and begetter of official Brothers Grimm tall tales. Of course, the petty crime of Berger’s alleged five finger discount pales in comparison to the role he played as Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, guilty of war crimes against both Iraq and the former Yugoslavia. But I digress.

According to Max Blumenthal, Path to 9/11 was “produced and promoted by a well-honed propaganda operation consisting of a network of little-known right-wingers working from within Hollywood to counter its supposedly liberal bias,” a coven that has as its “godfather” none other than the neocon David Horowitz, “who has worked for more than a decade to establish a right-wing presence in Hollywood and to discredit mainstream film and TV production,” not that it requires much discredit, something it does on its own rather well, although not the way Horowitz imagines.

In order to make a long and tedious story short, it appears Horowitz had a guiding hand in the production of the eminently forgettable miniseries, consisting basically of little more than prolonged and orgiastic Clinton bashing.

Now, in response to the unsuccessful efforts of outraged Democrats to get the series dumped, Jason Apuzzo, a Horowitz partner and co-founder of the Liberty Film Festival, a sort of neocon “politically incorrect” cinema jubilee, will make the rounds on the Situation Room and the Glenn Beck Show, the latter where he will likely receive a warm welcome, as Beck is a raving fascist lunatic, describing himself as a “despicable human being,” not for reviling Katrina victims and nine eleven families, but rather for at one time sharing the same predilection for destructive substances as his mentor, Rush Limbaugh.

Horowitz and the “right-wingers,” actually authoritarian fascists—as the broken down old Hegelian political paradigm is no longer operable and the designations of “right” and “left” are forever bankrupt—may have scored a few fleeting points, delightedly marking Clinton up as an appeaser of Osama and the “Islamofascists” (another meaningless locution), but at the end of the day all of this is conspicuously silly and patently fraudulent.

As we know, Osama and crew were part of the “Militant Islamic Network” consisting of thousands of Mujahideen hand-picked for their viciousness and religious intolerance by the CIA and its proxy, Pakistan’s ISI. A congressional press release, dated 16 January 1997, reveals all the facts we need to know—Clinton factotum Anthony Lake, head of the National Security Council at the time, “helped turn Bosnia into a militant Islamic base,” that is to say Clinton flipped on a green light and “al-Qaeda” rushed in to help the effort to fracture Yugoslavia.

“For the past 10 years, the most senior leaders of al Qaeda have visited the Balkans, including bin Laden himself on three occasions between 1994 and 1996,” Marcia Christoff Kurop wrote for the Wall Street Journal Europe on November 1, 2001. “The Egyptian surgeon turned terrorist leader Ayman Al-Zawahiri has operated terrorist training camps, weapons of mass destruction factories and money-laundering and drug-trading networks throughout Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Bosnia. This has gone on for a decade. Many recruits to the Balkan wars came originally from Chechnya, a jihad in which Al Qaeda has also played a part.”
The Bosnian Embassy in Vienna issued a passport to bin Laden in 1993, according to various reports in the Yugoslav press at the time. The reports add that bin Laden then visited a terrorist camp in Zenica, Bosnia in 1994. The Bosnian government denies all of this, but admits that some passport records have been lost. Around that time, bin Laden directed al Qaeda “senior commanders” to incorporate the Balkans into an complete southeastern approach to Europe, an area stretching from the Caucasus to Italy. Al Zawahiri, the Egyptian surgeon reputed to be the second in command of the entire al Qaeda network, headed up this southeastern frontline.
At the time, the Clintonites denied any such complicity, however the “claim that al-Qaeda played a role in the Balkan wars of the 1990s came from an alleged FBI document former Yugoslav leader Slobodan Milosevic presented in his defense before the Hague tribunal,” Isabel Vincent reported for the National Post. “Although Hague prosecutors have challenged the veracity of the document, which Mr. Milosevic identified as a Congressional statement from the FBI … Balkan experts say the presence of al-Qaeda militants in Kosovo and Bosnia is well documented.” It is now impossible to glean further details from Milosevic as he died mysteriously earlier this year, supposedly a victim of his own medication.

Carefully treading water at the safe end of the wading pool, John Lehman, a Republican nine eleven whitewash commissioner, told ABC News: “The Bush administration and the Clinton administration made big mistakes. The Bush administration did not take Osama bin Laden or the overall terrorist threat nearly as seriously as they should have, and the Clinton administration pulled back from it because of legal concerns and diplomatic concerns.”

In fact, both the Clinton and Bush administrations found Osama bin Laden and “al-Qaeda” indispensable and had absolutely no interest in arresting or killing them. If we are to believe the CIA’s favorite newspaper, the Washington Post, Saudi Arabia put the kibosh to an effort to snag Osama in the early spring of 1996, prior to the Sudan expelling the Evil One and his taking up residence in Afghanistan, soon to be under the dominion of yet another CIA contrivance, the Taliban. “Bin Laden’s good fortune in slipping through U.S. fingers torments some former officials with the thought that the subsequent attacks might have been averted,” the Washington Post expects us to believe. In fact, as the Bosnian caper reveals, the United States had more urgent work for the Wahhabi fanatic and his handy cave dwellers.

Horowitz’s pet Clinton bashing project naturally fails to mention how the Bush administration ordered a “major policy shift” in regard to Bin Laden and the Saudis at the National Security Agency, according to investigative journalist Greg Palast.

“Investigators were ordered to ‘back off’ from any inquiries into Saudi Arabian financing of terror networks, especially if they touched on Saudi royals and their retainers. That put the bin Ladens, a family worth a reported $12 billion and a virtual arm of the Saudi royal household, off-limits for investigation. Osama was the exception; he remained a wanted man, but agents could not look too closely at how he filled his piggy bank. The key rule of any investigation, ‘follow the money,’ was now violated, and investigations—at least before 9/11—began to die,” an effort that “was merely taking a policy of Bill Clinton one step further.”

Palast tends to shift blame over to the admittedly venal Saudi monarchy while downplaying the role of the United States, an easy enough thing to do considering the Saudis essentially financed and money managed the “Militant Islamic Network,” in part through the narco-connected BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International).

“This bank was a product of the Afghan War,” former Senate investigator Jack Blum told a congressional committee in 1991. “The CIA used BCCI to funnel millions of dollars to the fighters battling the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan,” the Washington Post reported and a French intelligence report “suggests the BCCI network has been largely rebuilt by bin Laden,” according to mainstream news reports cited by Cooperative Research.

Considering the Bush crime family is connections to the Saudis and shady BCCI deals, it is no wonder the Bush administration is less than hot to trot on finding Osama (who is in fact dead) or having the FBI and the Justice Department investigate.

Of course, this is a minor thread of the whole story, as the neocons and their kissing cousins over on the neolib side of the global multinational and banking elite were keen to use the “Militant Islamic Network,” i.e., “al-Qaeda,” to kick off a “new Pearl Harbor” on nine eleven and thus usher in the “clash of civilizations,” currently in progress and promised to last for generations.

No doubt David Horowitz, who vociferously claims he knew nothing about the Path docudrama prior to its release, much to the chagrin of the Clinton Dems, would not be doing a neocon version of a Cheshire cat routine if ABC and its Disney parent produced a miniseries dramatizing the involvement of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jimmy Carter, William Casey, Ronald Reagan, Bush Senior, Clinton, and Bush the Junior in the creation and continual usage of the “Militant Islamic Network” and “al-Qaeda.”

Of course, no such docudrama, mistaken for a documentary, will be forthcoming.

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