Caution: The Dialectic Process at Work, Part 2

By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
Jul. 17, 2006

In Part 1 of this series on the Dialectic, I referred to Cecil Rhodes' plan "to take the government of the whole world." In typical Dialectical fashion, Rhodes' mentor, John Ruskin (who has a swastika on his grave), said both "I am a Tory (conservative) of the old school" and "I am myself a Communist of the old school---reddest of the red." Rhodes' people networked Dialectically with both Skull and Bones (mostly conservative) members and Fabian Socialists (liberals).

When I was young, I was in touch with a number of world notables, and during my senior year in high school (1963-64), I was assigned to portray the famous historian Arnold Toynbee. He was an important member of Cecil Rhodes' Association of Helpers "to take the government of the whole world" (see reproduced letter from Toynbee). From 1964 to 1968, I attended N.C. State University where Allard Lowenstein was teaching, and I remember seeing and hearing him on occasion.

In Part 1 of my series on the Dialectic, I mentioned that Lowenstein had worked in Africa, Spain and Portugal for the CIA, which had been involved in university recruitment for some time. Lowenstein had received his B.A. degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1949, and when I was attending graduate school there, one of my professors had been a CIA covert agent who encouraged me to go to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, and another professor had been a Rhodes scholar in charge of the State Department's Middle East desk.

The ultimate goal of Cecil Rhodes and the power elite was Dialectically to synthesize Western Capitalism and Eastern Communism into a World Socialist Government. When Lowenstein was a student at UNC in the late 1940s, he was a member of a group called the Dialectic Senate. At this same time, the CIA was forming the National Student Association (NSA), of which Lowenstein became president in 1950.

In Part 1 of this series, I mentioned that in 1953, Ford Foundation president H. Rowan Gaither revealed that they were under directives from the White House to so alter life in the U.S. as to make possible a "comfortable merger" with the Soviet Union. Lowenstein would later work for the Ford Foundation (as well as the CIA). He also was in contact with quite a few Rhodes scholars, one of whom was Rick Stearns who was Bill Clinton's traveling companion at Oxford University as well as international vice-president of the NSA in the mid-1960s.

In the previous Part of this series, I emphasized the importance of South Africa in the Dialectic, and in this Part 2, I shall look at Spain. Lowenstein and the CIA would present themselves as anti-Communists who also opposed the right wing leadership in countries like South Africa and Spain (Francisco Franco). Note the Dialectic---Lowenstein and the CIA would support the Socialists as the alternative to the far left and far right political extremes. For years, Lowenstein had supported and networked with U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate Norman Thomas. It is worth remembering here that during his 1948 presidential campaign, Thomas predicted: "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

Lowenstein began making trips to Spain (for at least 2 decades) in 1958. And Richard Cummings in THE PIED PIPER (1984) indicated that Lowenstein "knew every Spanish opposition (to Franco) group and its leadership inside and out." In the early 1960s, he met with the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE, Partido Socialista Obrero Espanol). And in 1964, a young Javier Solana while in college joined the PSOE.

The next year, Solana received a Fulbright scholarship to begin a doctoral program in the U.S. The Fulbright scholarships were named for Rhodes scholar Bill Clinton's political mentor, U.S. Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas. In mid-April 1964, Lowenstein was invited along with President and Mrs. Lyndon Johnson to be dinner guests at the home of Sen. Fulbright. And that same year, Sen. Fulbright authored OLD MYTHS AND NEW REALITIES, announcing that "the concept of national sovereignty has become in our time a principle of international anarchy....The sovereign nation can no longer serve as the ultimate unit of personal loyalty and responsibility." As an example of how the Dialectic works, while Rhodes scholar Sen. Fulbright was a "dove" on the Vietnam War, Rhodes scholar Secretary of State Dean Rusk was a "hawk." Cecil Rhodes' plan for world government was always the goal, though, and in March 1994, a World Affairs Council chapter awarded Dean Rusk its "World Citizen Award."

After receiving the Ph.D. from the University of Virginia in 1968, and then teaching there as an assistant professor until 1971, Solana returned to Madrid to teach and become active again in Spanish politics in the early 1970s. In a phone interview July 14, 2006, Richard Cummings told me that Lowenstein and Solana probably did know each other.

During this time, Rhodes scholar Richard Gardner in the April 1974 edition of the Council on Foreign Relation's (CFR's) FOREIGN AFFAIRS wrote that "an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault." Gardner in the article went on to explain how GATT (including the World Trade Organization) would be part of this process.

The next year (1975), Spanish ruler Francisco Franco died, and in 1977 Solana was elected to the Spanish parliament and opposed U.S. military bases in Spain. In 1982, just before the PSOE came to power, Spain joined NATO with Solana in opposition to that decision. However, later that same year, after the PSOE came to power, Solana was appointed Minister for Culture and reversed his position. According to ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, "in 1986 he was pivotal in organizing a referendum to endorse Spain's membership in NATO." At this point, it is worth remembering that under the Dialectic, the CIA befriended (funded) Socialists in Spain to control them or at least make them less radical.

Solana in 1988 was appointed Minister for Education and Science, and became Minister for Foreign Affairs in 1992. This was the same year Bill Clinton ran for the presidency, and his adviser on U.N. matters was fellow Rhodes scholar Richard Gardner.

After Clinton's election, he would appoint his Rhodes scholar roommate, Strobe Talbott, to the State Department where he eventually became the number 2 person. During the presidential campaign, Talbott had written in TIME magazine (July 20, 1992) that "perhaps national sovereingty wasn't such a great idea after all....But it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the case for world government."

The number 1 man in the State Department, CFR member Warren Christopher, during his January 13, 1993, Senate confirmation hearing, discussed with Sen. Joseph Biden the possibility of NATO becoming a peacekeeping surrogate for the U.N. "to foster the creation of a new world order." Thus, the people in charge of NATO politically and militarily would be of critical importance.

It was no surprise, therefore, that President Clinton appointed fellow Rhodes scholar Gen. Wesley Clark to be military head of NATO. However, after Javier Solana became political head of NATO on December 5, 1995, ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA stated, "He was somewhat unexpectedly chosen." After all, Solana only occupied a ministerial position in Spain. How was he selected over all other candidates?

The key lies in President Clinton's appointment of Richard Gardner as U.S. Ambassador to Spain. Gardner and his fellow Rhodes scholars Clinton and Talbott sealed the "cooperative" Solana's appointment as political head of NATO. I use the word "cooperative" because while Solana only approved of Spain's memberhsip in NATO in the 1980s provided Spain's armed forces didn't participate in military operations, in the late 1990s as NATO Secretary-General he sent 60,000 troops from 30 countries into Bosnia and Herzegovina (just as Clinton, Talbott and Gardner desired).

Solana would go on to become on June 29, 2004, the European Union's first Minister for Foreign Affairs, and he is currently Secretary-General of the Council of the European Union. He is one of the most powerful men in the world, and strategically placed by the Dialectic to facilitate the New World Order, Cecil Rhodes' plan "to take the government of the whole world."

Not only are people like Solana useful to the power elite in this regard, but so are U.S. Presidents like Bill Clinton and George W. Bush (Skull and Bones member, as were his father and grandfather). The Dialectic uses left and right, liberal and conservative. In this regard, if you look at the White House website, you will see in the Oval Office a carpet with the Great Seal of the United States (just like on the one dollar bill), and the eagle is looking left. However, if you look at the emblem on the front of the President's desk, the eagle is looking right ! Is this Dialectical symbolism?

As I have explained before, the power elite's plan is to link regional economic arrangements to form a World Socialist Government. Some of the world's people are getting wise to this, and when U.S. trade negotiators arrived in Seoul, South Korea, on July 9, 2006, to discuss a "free-trade agreement," they had to have government bodyguards because of the protesters there.

The power elite wants Korea (South and North) to become part of a larger Asian-Pacific regional economic arrangement, which can then be linked to NAFTA, the European Economic Community (European Union), Africa, etc. The Dialectic uses a certain amount of chaos (e.g., uncontrolled borders, violent confrontations, etc.) to cause the people to accept transnational "agreements" (not treaties, which would have to be ratified by the U.S. Senate). The South Koreans probably will be "persuaded" that part of their security against the current aggressive gestures (missile launches) by North Korea will depend upon their willingness to accept a "free-trade agreement," which might then be offered to North Korea as well.

In the Middle East, there is chaos between Israelis and Palestinians. The power elite hopes to weary these people, and then offer the "carrot" of the Middle East FreeTrade Area (MEFTA), which then can be linked with other regions. President George W. Bush has already indicated that he wants all nations of the Middle East under one regional economic authority by 2013. There is already a lobbying group (including Exxon, Mobil, Bechtel and Halliburton) called the U.S.-MEFTA Coalition promoting an economic arrangement between the two regions. Roxane Premont in her NewsWithViews article, "Sacrificing America for Global Trade" (July 8, 2006), has concluded that if this arrangement comes about, "it would be entirely plausible for a company like Dubai Ports to sue the United States government and win in court," because local businesses cannot be favored over foreign companies.

How does Solana and Spain fit in all this? Accoding to Herb Keinon's June 6, 2006, article in THE JERUSALEM POST, on June 5, 2006, Javier Solana met in Israel with officials there, telling them he "remained firm on the need for the Hamas-PA (Palestinian Authority) government to meet these critieria before gaining international legitimacy: recognizing Israel, renouncing terrorism and accepting previous agreements."

Relevant to Spain, there is a plan to build a massive TransAmerica highway splitting the U.S. in half and running from Mexico to Canada, facilitating a North American region with the "Amero" as a new currency. The first stage is the TransTexas Corridor, which will be built by Zachry Construction Company of Texas (George Bush's home state) and managed by CINTRA, a Madrid, Spain, company which already manages toll highways around the world, including some in the U.S. Is it possible that Javier Solana of Madrid, Spain, had a hand in this?

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