N. Korea and the U.S.: Clash of Authoritarian Titans

Kurt Nimmo
Jun. 22, 2006

In the latest convoluted turn of events in the pissing contest between the insane Stalinist, also known as the “Eternal President of the Republic” of North Korea, and the unitary Decider of the United States, we learn that the “Bush administration is weighing responses to a possible North Korean missile test that include attempting to shoot it down in flight over the Pacific,” according to the Associated Press.

“U.S. officials say they must consider the possibility that an anticipated test would turn out to be something else, such as a space launch or even an attack…. Robert Einhorn, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said a U.S. shootdown of a North Korean missile on a test flight or a space launch would draw ‘very strong international reaction’ against the United States,” as if such a reaction means squat to the neocon fascists currently in control of the largest military in the world, sociopaths and sadists who make it a habit to break international treaties and kidnap dirt farmers in sovereign nations and torture them.

Bush and crew are chomping at the bit to test out their $91 billion “missile defense” system, an in your face violation of the ABM treaty. SDI, or “Star Wars” (an appropriate name, considering the program is little more than science fiction), is basically an inoperable scam devised by the government to siphon even more money to the likes of Boeing, Lockheed Martin, TRW, Raytheon, and other death merchants. If North Korea didn’t exist as an excuse to steal our money and squander it on a worthless weapon system, the death merchants would need create another sinister enemy. Kim Jong-il, an Asian version of Jim Jones, is a near perfect boogieman.

Like a mischievous child acting up to get the attention of adults, North Korea is attempting to use the test of its Taepodong-2 long-range missile to kick-start “bilateral talks” with the United States. “South Korea’s Yonhap news agency said the North wanted talks with the United States over its planned missile test, a sign Pyongyang might be ready to step back from the mounting crisis,” explains Reuters. “Through a long-practiced policy of brinkmanship, Pyongyang might be trying to improve conditions under which it could return to … six-party talks, analysts said.”

Of course, such talks are hardly serious, as the United States and North Korea, like ill-mannered kids on a grade school playground, have traded colorful insults over the years. Bush called Kim Jong-il a “pygmy” and the North Koreans have called Bush a “political idiot” (not far off the mark) and the United States “the world’s worst violator of human rights,” an astonishing declaration coming from a nation with a deplorable human rights record, to say the least, where slave labor, starvation, detention camps, rape, and murder is routine behavior.

Of course, the neolibs and their neocon kissing cousins are not unaccustomed or squeamish about such things, as slave labor and starvation fit perfectly in their global mise en scène.

North Korea’s alleged feverish development of nuclear weapons in response to its categorization as a “rogue regime” and prime candidate for the neocon shock and awe treatment (as it sits atop the “axis of evil” roster) should be considered completely natural and logical, as the United States is bristling with nukes (and the neocons appear itching to use them). Of course, prior to Bush’s appointment to the position as unitary decider, it was claimed North Korea was developing weapons of mass destruction, although more than a few experts believe the claim the shut-in nation has nukes-to-go is dubious speculation at best (see Greg Elich, US Subversion of Diplomacy and North Korea’s Phantom Nukes).

Simply put, North Korea and Iran, regardless of their authoritarian and retrograde governments, represent two hold-outs against the New Neoliberal Order with its demand that all go prostrate before the globalist bankster dictum of brazen looting and theft.

For the people of the former nation, it hardly matters, as they are already locked in crushing servitude—not inflicted by the predatory financial class on Wall Street but rather the Stalinist personality cult of the maniac Kim Jong-il, the “peerlessly great man” who forces his subjects into detention camps where they are used as guinea pigs for chemical weapons experimentation (according to Kwon Hyok, a former North Korean army intelligence officer).

Of course, such egregious crimes against humanity are hardly reason to refuse to do business with North Korea, as China, perched high with its Most Favored Nation status, runs Laogai forced labor camps and tortures dissidents, inhumane behavior approved by the likes of Wal-Mart and Apple, darlings of the New Neoliberal Order.

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