Alex Jones and the “Homegrown” Terrorists of Oceania

Kurt Nimmo
Jun. 07, 2006

Years of relentless propaganda has worked like a charm. Now, instead of looking deeper into the complex mechanics of social problems, politicos and corporate media talking heads shift blame to amorphous “homegrown terrorists” in our midst and diabolically at work on the internet, plotting fertilizer bomb drive-bys and beheadings in addition to selling methamphetamine to school kids. In Cleveland, Ohio, city councilman Zach Reed equates street criminals and drug dealers to “modern-day terrorists” and demands his crime-wracked ward be converted into a “police state” where “a true zero-tolerance policy” rules, never mind asking and answering difficult questions about the reasons for property crime and drug addiction.

In Britain, officials have not yet stooped to blaming all manner of petty crime on terrorism. However, according to a government report, “homegrown” terrorists are “groomed” by “extremist mentors” who swoop down like chicken hawks (no, not neocons avoiding the draft) and “identify individuals from within larger groups who may be susceptible to radicalization” and “groom” them “privately in small groups until the individuals in the group begin feeding off each other’s radicalization.” The British government report continues: “In the early stages, group conversation may be around being a good Muslim and staying away from drugs and crime, with no hint of an extremist agenda…. Gradually, individuals may be exposed to propaganda about perceived injustices to Muslims across the world, with international conflict involving Muslims interpreted as examples of a widespread war on Islam,” never mind that there is in fact a “widespread war on Islam,” a conflict long plotted and even advertised by the neocons.

As ABC News tells us, “the threat of homegrown terrorists is very real and growing.” The Canadian patsies “include a school bus driver, a graduate student, and a high school basketball player. Five of them are under 18,” in other words the kid next door listening to Yung Joc or Killa Season on his iPod may be a terrorist in training, especially if he suddenly stops listening to rap and hip-hop. “Security analysts say a new breed of terrorist is inspired by al Qaeda but is not under the direct control of Osama bin Laden,” a “vexing problem,” according to the FBI. “They can get the material they need to make the bombs easily by going to hardware stores and farm supply stores,” Richard Clarke, the chicken who crowed “al-Qaeda” on nine eleven, told ABC News. “It’s what we call leaderless terrorism, spontaneous terrorism, not connected directly to al Qaeda but they still are generated by getting their information on the Internet from this network of Qaeda-like, Qaeda-related Web sites. They’re not doing this for the hell of it. They’re doing it because they have a perception that the West, including Canada is anti-Islamic.” Never mind that our neocon infested government is indeed anti-Islamic, as hundreds of thousands of dead Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan (and soon Iran) attests.

However, not only are Muslims a “homegrown” threat, or for that matter small-time drug dealers in Cleveland, but those of us taking the government to task are suspicious as well—even outright appeasers and fifth columnists. “With a growing number of propaganda filled ‘documentaries’ (a term I use loosely here) turning up within our midst, it is easy to become extremely suspicious of our government and its authority,” writes John Lawrence (a Canadian version of a neocon) for the Canada Free Press. “With a few loose wing nuts like Alex Jones and Michael Moore running about convincing all who will listen that our society is simply a means to a corporate end or one big gulag, it isn’t hard to see this kind of homegrown hatred expanding…. Such films are, of course, not the root cause of the discontent of our youth, but simply antagonists to the underlying causes of it.” In other words, Alex Jones plays right into the hands of the Muslims, who hate our way of life. “Indeed, I see the amount of discontent and protesting in this somewhat quiet land beginning to rise. As we have seen in France and much of Europe, as in the United States, there are those who are intent on undoing the foundation which our countries are set upon.”

Of course, it is easy to write off an ill-informed person who lumps Michael Moore and Alex Jones together (the former a limousine liberal, the latter a constitutionalist), but we should not expect a misinformed and intellectually lazy public to make such distinctions. In fact, Jones rails daily against neocons and neolibs who “are intent on undoing the foundation which our countries are set upon,” more specifically they are determined to dismantle the Constitution, a fact that should be obvious to all, even a Canadian neocon.

Lawrence and “homegrown” neocons in the United States and Canada (and there is no shortage in Britain and Europe) are drinking the kool-aid, apparently unaware of what the Straussian neocons have in mind for them and the rest of us. It was only a matter of time before the terrorists would move in our neighborhood, thus instilling even more intense paranoia, soon to rival the prospect of anthrax in the mailbox. It was only matter of time before the terrorists moved from remote caves in Afghanistan to woods outside of town, laying down automatic fire and reading the Koran. It is quite natural for syncretic, dualistic, Manichean neocons to lump Alex Jones or anybody who complains about the government in with the Muslim evil-doers. For, as their cardboard cut-out leader has declared, you are either with them or the terrorists. Expect to be smoked out.

Dare I predict we are but one “terrorist event” away from the Lawrences and Horowitzes and Malkins demanding the opposition be rounded up in Gestapo fashion and, as Orwell wrote, instantly transmogrified into “refs unpersons,” enemies of the state packed off to a Halliburton concentration camp?

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