Retired Soldier Provides Suggestions About Location of Hidden Camps

The Epoch Tmes
May. 24, 2006

Editor's note: In response to efforts by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) to learn the details about the organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners in China, WOIPFG received the following two reports from individuals in China. Their reports of large underground military facilities are consistent with an article by the Chinese-language newspaper Reminbao that claims a large number of Falun Gong practitioners were recently transferred to secret underground military facilities secret underground military facilities in the area of Chongqing City. Because of the urgency of this situation, The Epoch Times is making these reports submitted to WOIPFG available to our English-language readers.

1) I am an old, retired soldier from Shenyang's military district. I have been completely astonished by the Fascistic atrocity in the secret concentration camp in Shenyang City, known as Sujiatun, where organs of Falun Gong practitioners have been removed while they were still alive. A veteran Shenyang military physician revealed that, in addition to Sujiatun, there were 36 more secret concentration camps that remain unknown to outsiders. I now provide some leads that may help the investigation of the location of these concentration camps.

Mao Zedong once issued "a supreme order" to "Dig deep holes, accumulate grains, and prepare for war and famine for the people." The army naturally became the most aggressive enforcers of this order. Starting in April 1966, our field military personnel turned out nearly in full force to dig holes in remote mountains. The project was completed by the end of 1968.

My regiment was responsible for Liaoning Province's Jianchang County, Jianping County, Lingyuan County, Suizhong County, Chifeng City (belonged to Liaoning at that time), and Linxi and Xilinhaote City's Nanshan of Inner Mongolia. Deep holes were dug in any accessible area of all remote mountains in the above counties. The infantry was responsibly for digging caverns, the engineering corps was responsible for the finishing work (interior finishing), and the signal corps was responsible for burying high-voltage power cables and setting up communication air wire (the technology in use at that time). I am not clear as to which corps completed what task and when.

In a gathering of fellow soldiers in 1969, one disclosed inadvertently that, "The entrances of these caverns are quite hidden. The reinforced concrete automatic cavern doors that weigh tens of tons were dressed up to blend in with the surrounding wilderness. One would not be able to detect the door without a very close look."

A deputy army commander said in a speech that he gave at the time that, "It was planned to store the most advanced military equipment, the needed medical facilities, and 10 years supplies of military daily necessities. The smallest cavern has the capacity to hold a regiment."

Old veterans like us have never spilled a single word about these matters for the sake of keeping a military secret. But now, given that the evil and inhuman Chinese Communist Party exhausts all possible means to persecute people, the military certainly has become their proficient persecution tool. I am now disclosing the secret of such military bases in the hope of helping to discover these evil secret concentration camps as early as possible and to save those fine citizens on the verge of death.

May 17, 2006

2) Another individual volunteered that a cavern in Shoushan, Xingcheng, Liaoning province (originally Mine No. 704) is large enough to allow a train to drive in; a cavern in a certain mountain in Jinan city is so hidden that one would not know it is there without a very close look.

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